Wise Biz 73!
In This Issue of the Wise Biz 73:
* Special Invitations:
* Top Wednesday Thought: Actions!
* Intro / Publisher Main Spot: Quick Steps on MacBook!
* Guest Coolest Corner: The Saying is Fulfilled!
* Social Networking Made Easy: Twitter Updates You!
* The Web Market Place: Where to go shopping (From needles to rockets;-), find love, save money and improve your life!
Special invitations:There are some invitations in this issue of the Wise Biz 73! You can choose the one that replies to your need and skip the others.
HOA Political Scene Blog continues to develop and perform better, in case you were interested in politics.
Why not subscribe to it?Are you journalist, or had you ever been?
Then join the Journalists Internet café here at
Horn of Africa's Journalists. It's more than a Journalists' Internet café. You can be a reporter from the area.
It's an International Gathering also, where you could develop your profession, career and passion, get new ideas, keep in touch with new people from the same profession, exchange experiences, make new friendship, develop new thoughts and innovation about the international peace and make the globe intact.
If you were a poet from the Horn of Africa, you have a chance to join the
Squadron of Poets here and help us fundraise a publishing process to publish your books through the
HOAs Poets Project and the
HOAs Poets' Store.
Are you in any town or city in the United States, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, France, Sweden, or in any beautiful city in Africa? Read or write about it at
Any Beautiful City and take some "I Love You Gifts" of friendship from the "Thank You" page.
I started sending the Beautiful Scene Newsletter from that website. You can subscribe to it to read some insights and thoughts about beautiful places in the world. You may find also some good traveling deals that are good for any vacation. The first edition of the Beautiful Scene Newsletter is here at
Beautiful Scene 1.
* Top Wednesday Thought: Actions!
"Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way . . . You become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions."
Aristotle, 384 BC - 322 BC. Aristotle was an Ancient Greek Philosopher. He studied with Plato and taught Alexander the Great. He's considered along with Plato and Socrates, one of the great influential ancient Greek philosophers.
Did you know more about him? Did you know where he lived most? Did you know anything about his town?
Well, you can answer these questions and write about his town at
Any Beautiful City here.
* Would you like to get everyday thoughts free with your café au lait, tea, soft drink or breakfast?
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The Need to Lead. Please, use the contact us form to tell us about the sites you have shared Wise Biz 73 with them, so we could send you more gifts.
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Visit also this link to see first-hand the quality of these products and download any Masters Course you need to make strategic home business success here at this
Treasure Island
Wise Biz 73's Introduction:Publisher Main Spot: Quick Steps on How to Prepare Your MacBook for Good Launch!As journalist, I used to work on the traditional Apple PC, many years ago. The first computers Apple has released in 1976 work with Apple Maintenance Program (AMP), as I remember. and it was good and convenient for such journalistic environment.
I started this year by having a MacBook Pro. Therefore I got a chance to see the big differences between the two released versions of Mac. I am loving and enjoying it. However, some of its applications, such as "TextEdit" and "iPhoto" do not compare with other products that work with Windows.
If you depend on these applications or softwares or word processor and photo editing software that much in your work, then these apps in Mac may not be enough to do that work. You may need to get "Word" and "Photoshop" for Mac instead.
However, I may write another article about how to use "TextEdit" and "iPhoto" and how I found them inequivalent to "Word" and "Photoshop" to do the work I want fast and easy. For example, you cannot "layout" your text using "TextEdit", without having to elect a printout copy. But, there is a work around tricks in this regard.
Did you know any tips and tricks to use "TextEdit" and "iPhoto" better? Use the form on Wise Biz 73 to write them down and let us learn more about MacBook.
To start your new MacBook and secure it, follow these steps:
To avoid power shortage, connect it with its battery.
Turn your machine on and follow the onscreen instructions.
Choose a name and a password to secure your machine and prevent any attempt from others to login your system.
Choose the photo you most like from the photo gallery and elect to have it working with the power saver system.
Do nothing, if you were quick and know how to use your keyboard. Otherwise, use a mouse.
Get to "System Preferences" to adjust the way your MacBook works.
You will see 28 icons on four categories on the system preferences window.
The personal category includes "General", "Desktop and Screen Saver", "Dock", "Mission Control", "Language and Text", "Security and Privacy", "Spotlight", and "Universal Access".
The Hardware category includes "CDs and DVDs", "Displays", "Energy Saver", "Keyboard", "Mouse", "Trackpad", "Print and Scan" and "Sound".
The Internet and Wireless category includes "iCloud", "Mail, Contacts and Calendars", "MobileMe", "Network", "Bluetooth" and "Sharing".
The System category includes "Users and Groups", "Parental Controls", "Date and Time", "Software Update", "Speech" and "Time Machine".
When you connect a USP to your machine, the system will create an icon for it in the System category, as "Startup Disk".
When you downed important software, such as "Flash Player", the system will create its icon on a fifth category and name it "Other".
Click on the 28 icons you see there to learn how the automatic "step up" works there and adjust each to your specific needs. Note that you may need to have each application protected.
Guest Coolest Corner: The Saying is Fulfilled!
I have taken the mission to write the guest's coolest corner in this edition of Wise Biz 73.
Preamble: When you end this article titled "The Saying is Fulfilled", you will find that the saying was already fulfilled by you, even if you have not taken another serious action yet. The proofs are on the Wise Biz 73 page. So, your click through to come here is valuable.
The internet has its own culture that includes some sayings. As in different cultures, the internet and the small home based businesses have some sayings, such as "keep it simple stupid", people in America abbreviate into "KISS" and "keep it real".
Even when businesses on the internet come to sell something, the process of selling has its culture and thus sayings. The most important of all these sayings is "presell" as it proves that it is effective and direct selling makes a mess of the job.
When we look deep into facts that small businesses rely on to succeed, we only find two sayings to exist until this moment and they will continue their existence to make more people successful.
These two sayings are the last mentioned saying and "
CTPM", which is abbreviation of the four words, "content", "traffic", "presell" and "monetize". However, the "presell" saying is the legitimate daughter of the "CTPM" saying. In fact each of the other three ingredients is also a legitimate daughter of "CTPM".
This is a fundamental saying that abbreviates what the web does need to help millions of people who are searching for information find what they were looking for.
They find what they were looking for, actually, in "content" that answer their questions or reply to their needs, when they look for something by typing it on the boxes of the search engine they enjoy using and then the search engine delivers all "content" relevant to that search term.
At this point, "Content" found on the first ten of the results pages drive the "T", or the abbreviation of "traffic" to the relevant websites. When visitors arrive at a website driven by the search engine, they expect to find what they were looking for in good form and manner.
Since they read, they should read the language they love to read and find the information they were looking for directly. If this happens at this point, they will be gad to take action by responding to the third element in the "
CTPM" saying, which is "P", or "pre-selling".
When this happens, the website will actually achieve the fourth element in the saying, which is "M", or "monetize". At this stage, we could possibly say that, the "CTPM" saying is fulfilled.
The following source with complete
results proves that the saying is fulfilled. In fact, each story here proves that different methods implemented by successful small businesses' owners have helped them to fulfill the "CTPM" saying.
Speaking about the search engines, here are some people who want to keep Google honest and loyal to its search philosophy that depends primarily on delivering the "
CTPM" saying, which is vital for people who are looking for "real" information, Google and serious and passionate small businesses. You can read about this at
your thought sells 1 or watch a video about Google Plus results at
thoughtsell 2.
Social Networking Made Easy on Wise Biz 73:Twitter Updates You!There are some updates in this window posted at Twitter to keep our fellow readers updated. Be my friend and get new friends. Thanks.
Twitter Follow is moved to the right column. Please read it there and follow Wise Biz 73 on Twitter. You can tweet it using the small button at the top of the right column.
The Web Market Place: Where to go shopping (From needles to rockets;-), find love, save money and improve your life!
No matter where you live, find love or help others find love. To take this love business with you get a free dating site at
Absolute Millionaire Match. When you get there, click on "Affiliates" at the right top of the page. To find love look for your match there.
See the third column at the right for more offers on the Wise Biz 73's market place.

Well, here we are now at the close of our Wise Biz 73. We hope it was interesting.
Yours in Peace,,Love and Global Prosperity
Khalid Osman
Copyright©2010 Wise Biz 73 - Khalid Osman's Publication
P.S You may republish any of the articles in Wise Biz 73 in its full entirety in your e-zine or on your site as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box. When you republish any of these articles, please send us a note to take a look. Thanks.
P.P.S If you thought that you could be making money using these articles instead of just republishing them for our own benefits, click on any link there and join those affiliate programs/or business opportunities. You'll be e-mailed your affiliate/or business opportunity link, so you can substitute it in place of ours.
If you liked Wise Biz 73, please share it with your social media. Thanks. You're welcome to comment on any article in the Wise Biz 73. You can also use the same form to write good articles. Thanks.
Wise Biz 73's Notes and Dots!
Your Wise Biz newsletter is bak with the edition 73, thanks to the new readers and those readers in the original first list, who requested me to renew it. However, as I mentioned in my late note to you my friend, I'll keep it monthly.
Brief history of the newsletter:
It is now almost ten years since the start of the newsletter. The issues in the archives on this website start with the issue,
Biz Marketing 36, I've published on Wednesday, June 02, 2004. The first issues are somewhere in the archives of Topica. I discontinued the Wise Biz newsletter after publishing the issue
Wise Biz 72 on 28 July 2010.
Now here we are at Wise Biz 73! I hope you'll continue enjoy'n the newsletter. If there's anything, you want to bring my attention to it, please, be frank to tell me about it.
SBI on the text link at the bottom of Wise Biz 73 empowers this network.
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