Wise Biz 71!
In This Issue of Wise Biz 71:
* Special Invitations: How Do You Share Your Hobby and Benefit?
* Top Wednesday Thought: Deeds!
* Intro / Publisher Main Spot: Turn Your Hobbies Into Something Amazing!
* Guest Coolest Corner: How Do You Turn any Hobby into a Part-time Business?
* Social Networking Made Easy: Twitter Updates You! If You Were Indigenous Like Me, Join the Twitter Indigenous!
* The Web Market Place: Where to go shopping (From needles to rockets;-), find love, save money and improve your life!
Special invitations:
How Do You Share Your Hobby and Benefit?We have many invitations in this issue of Wise Biz 71, all of which we designed to benefit you, as we always do, to your pleasure only.
HOA Political Scene 26 is at this link, in case you were interested in politics.
Why not subscribe to it?Are you journalist, or had you ever been?
Then join the Journalists Internet Café here at
Horn of Africa's Journalists. It's more than a Journalists' Internet Café. You can be a reporter from the area.
It's an International Gathering also, where you can develop your profession, career and passion, get new ideas, keep in touch with new people from the same profession, exchange experiences, make new friendship, develop new thoughts and innovation about the International Peace and make the Globe intact.
If you were a poet from the Horn of Africa, you have a chance to join the
Squadron of Poets here and help us fundraise a publishing process to publish your books through the
HOAs Poets Project and the
HOAs Poets' Store.
Are you in any town or city in the United States, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, France, Sweden, or in any beautiful city in Africa? Read or write about it at
Any Beautiful City and take some "I Love You Gifts" of friendship from the "Thank You" page.
I started sending the Beautiful Scene Newsletter from that website in the first Friday this month. You can subscribe to it to read some insights and thoughts about beautiful places in the world. You may find also some good travelling deals that are good for any vacation. The first edition of the Beautiful Scene Newsletter is here at
Beautiful Scene 1.
* Top Wednesday Thought: Deeds!"Deeds are better than words."
Khalid Osman is a Sudanese journalist, writer, poet, activist and webmaster. Did you know more about him? Did you know where he lived most? Did you know information about his town or about any beautiful city in the Horn of Africa?
Well, you can answer the first question using any form in the Ezine Act website. Answer the rest of the questions and write about beautiful cities and places in the world at
Any Beautiful City here.
You can also read about beautiful places in Sudan at
Kordofan here. Thanks.
* Would you like to get everyday thoughts free with your café au lait, tea, soft drink or breakfast?
Subscribe to Wise Biz Newsletter at the top left of Wise Biz 71 and visit those intellectuals online to get the insight of your life everyday here at
The Need to LeadThank you "Presents" for being a good reader of Wise Biz 71** Could we send you this valuable FREE e-book to learn how to profit online?
Recommend Wise Biz 71 to your friends and let them subscribe to it. You can do that through the "CLICK HERE" link you see at the top right of Wise Biz 71.
Visit also this link to see first-hand the quality of these products and download any Masters Course you need to make strategic home business success here at this
Treasure Island
Wise Biz 71 Introduction:Publisher Main Spot:Turn Your Hobbies Into Something Amazing!Somebody wrote the article in the Quest Coolest Corner in Wise Biz 71 and I found it informative for readership. It highlighted some good ideas people can use to study their hobbies and think if they could work some of them to build small businesses and earn additional income part-time.
I know many people who already have done that and they are enjoying it and earning enough income to help them survive the recent economical recession crises.
The best think about the useful information in this article is that, you could start it with a free consulting to put you in the right track.
Ask a free business consultant if you wanted to learn more about that. Either go to
home-biz-trends.com or call 001 888 987 3669. When you call, please tell the consultant that you are calling the number you found in Khalid Osman's Wise Biz newsletter, so s/he will know how to help you free.
Give it a go now and thank me later.
Enjoy Wise Biz 71.
Guest Coolest Corner:How Do You Turn any Hobby into a Part-time Business?If you are planning to begin a business, your best bet is to start out part-time while you are still earning a full-time income at your present job. If you are like most people who exist from payday to payday, you do not have a lot of money to invest in a full-time business.
There is no need to worry, though! Just use your favourite hobby as your business base and grow from there! There is no telling where you will be at 2 or 3 years down the road.
Perhaps you can even tell your present boss to "take that job and shove it." Wouldn't that be great?
Using your present hobby or favourite pastime as your business base has many benefits. Why? Because ANY business you decide to become involved in should be doing something, you LOVE, something you believe in, something that you would work at NO MATTER what income it would generate.
This will give you the stamina to see your business through the beginning hard times and times when there is more work to do than you can handle. We all know the feeling of doing a job that we hate to do. There is no way we can give it 110% of our abilities because we procrastinate getting through it and just want to get over with it.
That's why it is vitally important to dearly love the product or service you have chosen to build your business around.
Do you like cooking? Start a recipe newsletter for others who like the same thing and sell your recipes by publishing a simple booklet.
Do you enjoy making crafts? Sell them through mail order (be sure and mark up the price for shipping and handling).
Do you enjoy working on cars? Print and distribute flyers in your neighbourhood listing your prices. Offer a coupon discount for the customer to use on their first auto repair job.
Do you enjoy writing? Write a small booklet or how-to manual and sell it through mail order or to multi-level enthusiasts.
Do you enjoy computer programming? Write a program and sell through shareware groups or even to mail order computer owners.
Yes, just about anything you love, doing can be magically transformed into a business opportunity for you. Some items may only sell well in your neighbourhood, while some products and services do well in mail order.
If you decide to sell through mail order, all you need to do is write a simple ad and have it typeset. Start out with a smaller 1-inch, 2-inch or 3-inch ad. Ask the customer to send a "first-class stamp" or "$1.00" for more information.
When they write you, include a 8 1/2x11 sheet detailing your prices. Make sure you have a small order form to make it easy to order your product or service. And of course, include a cover letter stating that you appreciate their inquiry and look forward to doing business with them in the near future.
You'd be surprised how many sales have been lost because a business didn't take the time to write a cover letter and personalize the mailing.
Also, start educating yourself by reading and researching other home-based businesses. Before I opened up my business, I read national publications like "Small Business Opportunities," "Entrepreneur," "Home Office Computing" and "Spare Time Magazine."
Although there were some full-page ads in there filled with hype (claiming to make me $1 million dollars with a sheet of paper) the articles are excellent.
Don't spend more than $3 for information in the beginning of your business because if a company is legitimate you should be able to call them and discuss the opportunity over the phone with them.
Businesses that claim to put you in business overnight should never demand a large amount of money from you. On the contrary, legitimate businesses have nothing to hide and they will not charge you more than a few dollars in postage to learn the "whole" story behind their claims.
Instead, use these publications, as well as books from the library on starting a business to further your knowledge of the world.
Another good move on your part is to invest a few hours by attending a meeting that is sponsored by SCORE from the Small Business Administration in your area.
It's free and the valuable information you obtain from actual people who have been in business before is something that will be extremely valuable in the months ahead.
Yes, it is that easy! Of course, this is only the beginning. As with any hobby, it will take time (probably many months) to realize a profit but think of it this way: Most people that have a hobby know they have to spend money to take part in their hobby.
It only makes sense to invest money in advertising your hobby to others so you can eventually make some of that money back in sales for your own business!
It is good absolutely to work any of your hobbies online, so this will give you more exposure and bring even more income from other relevant services. For example, if one of your hobbies is to visit places and just take pictures, you could publish those pictures online and then have them generating more income opportunities for you.
Social Networking Made Easy:Twitter Updates You! If You Were Indigenous Like Me, Join the Twitter Indigenous!There are some updates in this window posted at Twitter to keep our fellow readers updated. Be my friend and get new friends. Thanks.
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The Web Market Place: Where to go shopping (From needles to rockets;-), find love, save money and improve your life!

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Well, here we are now at the close of our Wise Biz 71. We hope it was interesting.
Yours in Peace,,Love and Global Prosperity
Khalid Osman
Copyright©2010 Wise Biz 71 - Khalid Osman's Publication
P.S You may republish any of the articles in Wise Biz 71 in it's full entirety in your e-zine or on your site as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box. When you republish any of these articles, please send us a note to take a look. Thanks.
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