Comments for Unemployed Love!

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Jan 18, 2010
Take Love and Life Responsibilities Easy!
by: Admin

It is important to let me know your location to see if it supports unemployed people through any kind of welfares. It is also important to leave your email address to help me ask you personal questions that are not for publication.

It is important to have a job of course to encourage that girl and make her feel you are the right person, as love alone will not feed the family you want to make.

Even if you receive welfare, the welfare nowadays is not enough to hold your house up. If the girl works (in Denmark, for example, as you have not mentioned your location), you both will not get enough food, as good percentage of her income before tax will be deducted from your welfare and cause it to decrease significantly.

Again, it is always useful to provide enough details when you mention your love problems to help this service work better.

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