Troublesome Relationship!
by Somebody
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
During Troublesome Relationship, Tyler Rorke (Justin Wilczynski) Told Chloe Carter's Mom that Chloe is a Disease!
During Troublesome Relationship, Chloe Carter (Cynthia Kowalski) and her Mom Trying to Convince her to Get Bach to Their Home Town.
During Troublesome Relationship, Chloe Carter's Mom Got Angry of her Daughter, Because She Refused to Get Back to Her Home Town to Be Safe There.
Somebody wrote from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India using shortened words in one short paragraph, I divided here, "I fell in love with a guy about 18 months ago. I don't know what has happened. He suddenly became doubtful".
"He doesn't trust me anymore and he has doubts regarding anything I do. He failed to understand me right, so I broke up with him. As times passed, I met another guy. Now, I am in relation with that guy".
"He understands and trusts me a lot. He has been friend for three years". She continued in a line we didn't understand, "Eventhough ma present guy knoes abt ma past ma present relationship is into trouble".
Then she added, "Both of us are not able to take proper decisions. Please, help me. None of our friends knoes abt our present relationship. Please, help us to get out of (dis).
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Sana wrote from Dallas, Texas, USA in one paragraph, I divided here, "Three years ago, I have a boyfriend and few months ago in july, he broke off, as we started fighting a lot".
"He din't use to give me time, as he was busy in his work. (Thats y i used 2 fight for givng me time). One day, he got frustrated and he broke off. Then up to 4 months, I tried a lot to get him back somehow but he (usd to 'bad tongue' and dint) come back".
"Then, when I almost came over him, He came back to me begging to let me again start a relation with him. We again started. But, after few (mnths), (i) broke up, as some astrologer told me that he just using (u)"
"Then (aftr) some days, a boy came to my (lyf) … my best friend's friend. He gave me a lot of care and love. At that time (i thout i am) in love with him. I started a relation with him, as he also loves me".
"Now again, my ex has come into my love…and I realised (i stil hav a vry) strong feeling for him. (nd) want to go back to my ex. (wat shud i) do? I (cnt) leave that person who was there when (i) needed someone".
"But, on the other hand, I love my ex a lot…can't think about living my life without him. (plzz suggest me..itz vry urgent..just help me out".
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Kakadu and the
Mississippi River.
Koushik wrote from Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India in capital letters in one paragraph, I divided here, "My girlfriend told me before she started her relation with me that she had physical relation three times with her ex".
"I had also a relationship with another person, before i started with her. I didn't get into physical relation. Should I continue with her? She is very dedicated to the relation".
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