Comments for Someone Has Stolen My Girlfriend!

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May 10, 2013
Pending Love Consulting Requests!
by: Admin

There are some problems processing the following Love Consulting Requests. If you found your Love Problem pending here, please refer to the terms and guidelines on this network. You may find that you have not read them to Submit Good Request.

Every love problem here is published in two pages. The first page is about the problem and the second page is about the solution, or commentaries in case that you have not followed the guidelines.

Peter, you should have mentioned why she left her first Love. The reasons you wrote in your request are not enough. How did you know that? Did she tell you about it? Have you asked her to explain those reasons?

You haven't provided more information about your competitor and her relation with him. You also haven't provided more details about your girlfriend and her acts. We don't know what he said to her parents and how they and she also react to analyze this problem better.

You said that she texted you after one day to say that she cannot be in relation with you. This is a brief information. Did you ask her that day about the reasons? Did she reveal to you why she has changed her thoughts about you?

The more information you provide about this problem, the more quickly we get back to you to solve it. This is the reason your request remained here for some months and we have not responded to it at time.

Somebody, you also did not read the main pages to know how to write good request, so you wrote about your problem in few words. We cannot provide any consulting, unless you write in details about your problem including information about you, your love and any other person involved in this problem.

Please, always refer to the main consulting pages at the links above and at the Online Love Consulting and the Online Love Consulting Services before you submit your request.

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