Comments for Should I Try to Keep this Guy or Push him Away?

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Apr 22, 2013
Provide Good Information to Get Your Problem Solved!
by: Admin

Why did you write at the title, "Should I Try to Keep this Guy or Push him Away"?

Well, that is because you were not sure and you wanted us to tell you whether to try, or not... but, not (absolutely) to tell you to keep him, or not. This is very controversial.

You ignored the other two fields in the form to fill your name and your location. This is very important information. It explains also why we haven't got back to you sooner.

If you did not want your full name to be published, you could explain that at the bottom of your request, as we said at the main pages.

You have some long paragraphs and long sentences in your request. You should write your problem in short sentences and short paragraphs, as we mentioned at the Online Love Consulting, Online Love Consulting Services, Love Consulting Requests and Submit Good Request.

* We neglected this request the first time we read the first paragraph, because of these reasons. Visitors submit many requests, so you should always consider writing good requests following the guidelines at the links above.

* This is the only way to get the consulting services you want. We always pay attention to good requests and respond quickly.

* This is a free service, so you should consider the time we invest to read your request, understand the problem and then provide the necessary consulting service.

* However, we published it for our readers to provide love advices, through the comment link at the bottom of the page.

This response is also for the other three visitors who submitted the requests at the same page. Please, follow the instructions to write good requests and help us save time.

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