Should I Tell Her that I Love Her?
by Shobhit
(Delhi, India)
Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) When She Told Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) She Will Be There for her.
Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) Listening to Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) While She was Consulting her on How to Manage her Problems.
Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) When She Agreed to Take the Advices of Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) Seriously.
Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) When She Told Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) that the Family She Belongs to is Not her Family.
Shobhit wrote from Delhi, India, "Hi, I am Shobhit and this is my question..."
"I study in college and there is a girl in my class whom I love a lot. She is a very good friend of mine. We talk a lot through text and calls. We are frank with each other. She considers me as a good and honest friend"
"She has other very close friends too. She travels with them to her home and college. She is very friendly and frank with people. She has a bubbly nature. I cannot understand her feelings through the chats we have and I am afraid to tell her, for, I may lose a close friend".
"I feel very insecure, while the idea of telling her about my feeling strikes inside my head, because of the closeness she shares with many of her friends. I asked her recently if she has a boyfriend and she frankly said, (no)"
"I am in a dilemma. I am in doubts thinking whether I should tell her now or spend some more time with her, win her trust and capitalize on my friendship with her? I love her deeply and afraid of getting a negative answer. Please suggest some answers".

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Somebody wrote from Guwahati, Assam, India, in one paragraph, I divided here, "I am from Guwahati. I love a girl very much. She too loved me before. But, now she doesn't, Because I ditched her few months ago".
"She gave me a 2nd chance, but still I couldn't prove her worth. Now she is with an another guy. She says that they both loves each other very much".
"I know that somewhere inside her heart she still loves me, but she is afraid to admit, because in that way she may not remain loyal to her new boy friend".
"She knows she will have to compromise a lot with the guy and she is already doing it. She just cant leave the boy at present, because she doesn't want to hurt him".
"I love her very much. She also knows that. But, she wants to be loyal with her new guy. So, she did not want to come back to my life again. But, I need her. Please help me".
* Read the comments above.
* Are you from India?
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Somebody wrote from North Atlanta, Georgia, USA, in one paragraph, I divided here, "I've been with my boyfriend for 9 months now. He is a great guy. Such a sweetheart, always there for me, he supports me in every way even with money, when he doesn't have to".
"I'm his number one priority. I used to live out of town and we had a good long distance relationship, but when I moved back to where I used to live and where he lives I kept seeing my ex boyfriend everywhere".
"My ex and I dated for two years. He was my first love and I was his. When I see him I get butterflies in my stomach and my heart starts racing. We became friends and every time I talk to him I feel as if I love him even more".
"He tells me things that make me feel like he still wants to be with me. I honestly don't know what to do. I'm so confused, should I go with my boyfriend or leave him to go to the guy I've been in love with forever?".
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Should I Tell Her that I Love Her?
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