She Does Not Love Me Anymore!
by Raghunath Kilamb
(Hyderabad, India)
Raghunath Kilamb, Hyderabad, India
Nora Tate (Jama Williamson) and Don Masters (Grayson McCouch) in Love Before They Breakup in Hollywood Heights.
Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) and her Boyfriend Adam (Nick Krause) Investigating to Know More Information about her Aunt in Hollywood Heights.
Raghunath wrote from Hyderabad, India, in one long paragraph, I divided here, "I am in love since the past four years. She was very lovable with me, when we started. My love grows day by day and I totally become mad in love with her".
"I always want to talk to her daily. I don't know why she is unable to talk to me daily, as I want. So, I began to send sorrowful messages to her mobile feeling that I am unable to survive peacefully".
"I do not think that she got another boyfriend. She keeps on postponing to talk to me. I am so interested in her and I love her, deliberately. She expressed that she has not any interest to continue with me".
"But, I still want to marry her and have a beautiful life with her. I tried to leave her for a period, peacefully. I was unable to do that and I tried to call her again. She ignored me. I need her love".
"I want her to treat me the way she used to, when we started our relation. That is all I ask for. I need a solution for this problem. Please, help".
* Read the response at She Does Not Love Me Anymore - Comments.

* Are you from Hyderabad, India?
Write about it, or about Any Beautiful City in India, upload pictures from it and read about Gujarat.
Ehra Qureshi wrote from Seattle, Washington, USA in one paragraph a brief request about her love problem. She wrote it all in capital letters with many texting words, such as "vd", "bt", "fixd" and so on.
So, we have three problems with her request:
1- She wrote the request in capital letters.
2- She used texting and messaging words to summarize it.
3- She wrote a brief request, without paying any attention to the terms of the free services.
All of that is something we don't consider seriously. She has not read the guidelines. So, we have not responded to her request, per the guidelines.
She said that she loves a boy in her community. Her dad is very strict and he prohibits her from going out with friends, or even with her cousin. She added that they fixed the date of her marriage since she was a child with her cousin.
The traditions of her family are very tough and there is no way to escape, as everybody has much respect for such traditions, although they destroy their lives sometimes.
She loves her boyfriend very much and she feels that she cannot live without him.
* Continue at the first link above.
* Are you from Seattle, Washington, USA?
Write about it, or about any city in the USA at any beautiful city link above and upload pictures from it. Read about some locations in the the USA at the
Beautiful Chicago City and the
Big Sur.
Cibi wrote from Kerala, India in two-three lines a brief request to solve his problem. Brief requests never help us solve a problem. It is very important to consider this.
He wrote saying that his ex-girlfriend is now committed with another guy. He tried to persuade her that he loves her very much and he would do everything for her. But, she keeps praising her new boyfriend and refusing him.
* Continue at the first link above.
* Are you from Kerala, India?
Write about it, upload pictures from it and read about Gujarat. Use the two relevant links above.
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She Does Not Love Me Anymore.
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