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May 09, 2013
Read the Guidelines Before Submitting Any Request!
by: Admin

Raghunath, you have not followed the guidance to Submit Good Request. You entered your name, or nick name in two fields in the form, so it appears that you didn't know how to use these two fields properly.

In addition, you have not provided good details about your problem and some of your lines were not clear. Therefore, your request remained here for a time and we didn't provide the consulting service you wanted.

We mentioned that we would not be able to provide any consulting, if you didn't write your request properly. We tried to re-edit your request here and we hope that it appears now, as you wanted, or meant when you wrote it.

You have uploaded your picture with your request. Uploading pictures means that you are willing to publish your picture. It also indicates signs of consent to publish the entire request.

It is very necessary to know what each filed in the form does. You will use the form perfectly, when you combine this knowledge with the guidelines we mentioned above each Online Love Consulting form, forms on relevant pages and the terms on Love Consulting Requests and the Online Love Consulting Services.

Ehra Qureshi, you wrote your request in few words in one paragraph and used some shortened words, we don't accept here, per the guidelines.

It seems that you do not have the time to write good request in good details. So, how could we waste time to solve your Love Problem?

You should understand how this service works and read the terms and follow the guidelines to write good request in good details. Use proper language and avoid language mistakes to get our attention to read your request and respond to you quickly.

Cibi, you wrote very brief request in few words. You should not summarize your problem. You should not write few words and then expect someone to respond to you.

It is very important to know what this service is about. It is also good to read the guidelines on the mentioned pages before you submit your request.

We just get the feeling of how serious you are and how perfect your request is from the first glance to your request.

So, we always skip over requests visitors wrote in one paragraph, requests in capital letters, and requests that include shortened words.

Continue reading.

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May 13, 2013
More Lights on Emotional Problems!
by: Admin

Raghunath, you are a nice person and it appears from your message that you are very sentimental. You also hold fast on principles, even in love and therefore you don't accept changes in such emotional matters.

Regardless to the "more information" we wanted, and the principles we have here to respond only to requests, visitors made providing more details and following the guidelines, take the following steps:

Ask her of the reasons of her behavior. What she disliked while she interacted with you? Ask her of things she dislikes. Explain to her that you hold fast on principles and you are obliged to develop this relation with her.

Don't nag. Try to know what she likes and what she hates. Explore her culture and explain yours. The "sorrow full" messages were not enough.

They might have been annoying to her. If you found that they are, try to clean up this issue, so she could understand that you were worried, but not worrywart.

When you discover more things about her and remember good details that could help further to solve this problem, use the comment link to write all of that down, so we could continue analyzing this problem.

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