Comments for Safari!

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Feb 16, 2013
The App Store is another Story!

While I was online, my internet connection was light and green in the System Preferences > Network and at the top of the address bar, I clicked on the App Store. It took long time to load and then displayed the message, "Cannot connect to the App Store".

I then visited mozilla and clicked on the news. Safari displayed a window with this message, "Safari can't verify the identity of the website " The certificate for this website is invalid. You might be connecting to a website that is pretending to be "", which could put your confidential information at risk. Would you like to connect to the website anyway?

Then there were 3 buttons to "Show Certificate", "Cancel" and "Continue".

I closed it and clicked on the Firefox link. Safari displayed the error age with the message that read "Safari can't open the page". Then, I read also, " Safari can't open " because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server "".

I clicked the back arrow and then on clicked to watch the video with the installation instructions. The page opened and I watched the video.

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