Is the RSS Blogging Ezine strange concept, or expression?
Regardless to what seems as strange concept, Blogging Ezine RSS page covers the trend of the weblog these days, other blogs, marketing through RSS and why it is a "really simple syndication" as it is called.
With the pages associated with it on the HOME BIZ TRENDS' sitemap number 23 "Blogging for Pleasure", you get the complete help you need to build your content, the FEEDS of your content easily as you get it from the Ezine Acts Feeds and thus automate the blogging process to run every time you write and build new content.
Great numbers of blogs appear every day including blogs that have nothing to say more than, "Hey, I enjoyed your post. Keep blogging" or "hi guy, you rock".
Nothing more, nothing less they respond to nonsense of stories they post that don't interest the majority of searchers, or satisfy the looking for information researcher.
Million of people blog like this and million of blogs have only images with some lines to make a presence on this medium and of course make money from the crazy blogging atmosphere, whether they have RSS, or Eine or not. Therefore, they fail dramatically.
That is not the way for successful blogging to go, indeed.
So, it is clear that the solution is on "BUILDING" first. Building is a combination of writing, editing (if there are media included on the theme you write about), designing and building.
However, the editing of media and designing might not be necessary. The important is writing the textual content and building that content for the web.
Building content for the web is so different that writing, or building this content for the offline media. This is why content writing on the web is "BUILDING".
While building, you gotta have the RSS Blogging Ezine in the right place. I mean your own RSS Blogging even for your EZINE, which is the voice of your content website.
What a Bicycle? Get posters about your website's topic to make your site beautiful and earn some income
You can work on pictures, just as the example above on your blog of course. But, there should be some content that other people enjoy reading to find what they were looking for, or to answer some questions they have.
In addition, there should be enjoyable good volume of content that makes them obliged to blog it too, or share it through their social networks helping you to reach more audience.
The writer of RSS Blogging Ezine does not assume full understanding to the RSS technology, its techniques or any kind of knowledge about this issue. He only indicates his own simple understanding to the recent RSS fever all around the Internet.
Therefore, if you found something wrong in this article, as somebody who has concerns and knowledge about the topic of the RSS Blogging Ezine, use the comments form to correct it and help other readers.
When you did, your comments will go live to appear in the blog and then be syndicated to many RSS platforms with the content of this website, which means that it will bring you free websites traffic if you have some websites.
This is one method to encourage your friends and visitors to participate and enjoy blogging for pleasure, if you have a website. You will never need a Blogger or WordPress blog.
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The very interesting thing that you might have noticed is that great numbers of blogs continue to grow faster combined with the explosion of the media network.
But, the question about the importance of these blogs continues to exist with another question about whether to blog, or build without good answers, whether those blogs are good or not.
The two questions are important and there should be good answers to know whether these blogs are achieving their goals or not. If a blog does not achieve it is goal, why should it exist?
I found the answer in the linked pages and the image above. So, read the answers through the image to make sure that it is more important to build than to blog. That is because you only blog when you build your small business. It seems obvious.
But, there are also some questions here when you choose it and decide to build. Here are the questions...
What to build?
- Read the answer at Narrow Niches from Things Interest You.
How to build it?
- Read the answer at Action Guide, Build Web Pages and CTPM.
When to blog?
- Read the answer at Blog It and e-Learning College.
How to automate that content?
- Read the answer at Build Automated Content.
How to attract free traffic?
- Read the answer at the linked page, optimization and optimizing a website in general and the Ezine Acts Optimization.
How to Monetize after that?
- Read the answer at the linked page and Make Money.
How to Succeed with Your Own Business?
- Read the answer at the linked page and at Success Stories.
However, you may need the Money Making Mechanisms first, which are included in one website building and optimizing package.
Now, here is the main article in the RSS Blogging Ezine. If you found it interesting, please do like or tweet it, or pin the image using the small buttons on this page. If it falls a part of your interest, or if you thought it is not good enough, use the comment form to comment on it, or to write new article about the topic in the RSS Blogging Ezine. Thanks.
What's a Blog?
It is a weblog and that means an online interactive personal journal. It could be anything that you imagine about publishing online in news, interviews, poems, paintings, stories, memorials, photography, videos, CDs, or any kind of content.
For publishing see the Ezine Acts Publishing. for paintings see the Ezine Acts Paintings and for photography see the Ezine Acts Photography.
But, according the parameters of success and failures on such blogging atmosphere, it becomes necessary to build first and then blog through your own website services.
Yes, your own website should include all the tools needed to blog, automate, optimize, Ping and RSS, promote positively, track free websites traffic, know you visitors, interact with them through newsletters, forms like what you see on this page and other social media sharing options.
What's More in the RSS Blogging Ezine?
When this RSS fever began, some people think the email will die in the near future.
What do you think about this?
Share your thoughts.
In addition, the information above and below is just to let you know more about the topic in question.
The RSS Fever!
It is not the "Saturday Night Fever" although it takes the media by storm, as the late movie did a while back ago in 1977 and made John Travolta a name. OK, for the movies, see the TVCinemaApp.
However, the RSS Fever is taking the Net by the same storm to the point that makes some famous Internet Marketing experts ask is the Email about to die?
Some answers are at the Ezine Acts Internet Marketing, which is the HOME BIZ TRENS' sitemap 20.
I think I have explained this through the RSS, Email Marketing Media, which is the sitemap 3 and the Email Marketing Articles.
So, what's RSS and why all the marketing channels are busy running their RSS campaigns?
RSS stands for the term "Really Simple Syndication". It is a distributor of the electronic content. It is not the content itself.
It means that when you create a new content, you are blogging, then the system should ping those updates sending them to all those platforms that accept RSS, through its own Ping and RSS It system.
That means your content could be syndicated to great bookmarks and social media networks, such as Twitter, FaceBook, Plurks Timeline Friends, Stumbleupon and great search engines and directories such as Bing, Yahoo, Google, Yandex and Baidu. See Use Yandex and Baidu Searches.
See also the Ezine Act RSS Feeds Center and Why Using a Newsreader to know more about this topic.
In addition to the RSS Blogging Ezine, you may also be interested in the home business articles I included in the Ezine Acts Articles, site map 9 with its extension into sub-categories at Ezine Acts Articles Section and Ezine Act Articles Index, Ezine Articles, Submit Articles and Submit Ezine Articles.
See the right column for more articles.
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