Thought of Publishing Your Book?

If you thought of publishing your book, ebook, websites and audio and video products you find the leads you need to do this job on this page and other relevant links on it. The page is about one topic, though.

It is only about getting your book, picture book, report or manual published, either by spending money on this process handing your book to a company or by doing it free yourself.

Publishing Photos, Books, Webpages, Videos, etc

See the pictures on this page and other pages to get the idea of writing a picture book. If you have a website, you can also get posters about your website's topic to make your site beautiful

If the process of writing a book is difficult for you, the picture book is very easy. All that you need is to shoot good pictures, or collect pictures about one topic to publish a picture book. See the pictures on this page and other relevant pages to get the feeling of one topic.

Then add textual content describing the pictures, the places, or the moments and so on. Use attractive title for that topic. For example, you can title it "100 Beautiful Sights" and you may add "on the Sea".

But, when you submit your book, or your picture book to a company, you should also spend some money here to promote your book. When the company sells it, you receive royalty from the price you set for your book and the company gets a percentage of the sale. See the right column.

I personally think this is smarter. It costs you nothing. It costs the company as the company prints and ships your book. But, the company makes some profits from this business after paying the expenses of printing, shipping and the tax.

You will not need even to pay tax, unless you bought copies from your own book from the company and the company shipped them to your address. You may need to pay tax only if you are resident in another country.

I tried this once when I ordered copies of one of my books and paid tax for them. Even when one of my friends sent me some copies of my own book and the copies arrived through the airport, one of the staff at the airport called me to pay for shipping, regardless to that my friend has already paid for shipping.

When I asked her whether I should pay for tax or not, she told me that I should take it from the airport to the tax office. So, I laughed and told her to burn the small package of the books. She said, "No we cannot do that. The only thing we could do is to send it back".

When I tried with many companies where I reside to print one of my books I found that I will not get any money when I sell my book and I will be paying money for people to buy my book.

This process is very expensive in some countries in Europe. So, your option is to do it by yourself out of your country. Look for the best company to do this job for you. Study their offers and make sure that they will do this process confidentially and you receive most of the royalties.

You can use the consulting link above to let me help you on this issue. But, again think of a plan, so you could prepare this process easily and make sure that it will run, as you expect it to be.

What to Publish?

The publishing industry supplies the market with billions of books, pictures books, manuals, reports and electronic products (Digital and video products) ranging from CDs, DVDs and videos.

These electronics products come in three known formats as Betamax by Sony, VHS by JVC and the NTSC named after the National Television Standards Committee and the late Real videos format developed by RealNetwork.

Yes, the last one is the company that provides you with your Real Player. But, there are many video coding that dominate the video industry nowadays.

These formats include mpeg, flv, avi, mp4, swf, wmf, 3gp, etc... where YouTube becomes the first large company to dominate the video platforms online.

You can just do this job using any materials mentioned here. You can also do this job by building web pages on your own website using some website services and work at home to make your life better.

Publishing Books, Ebooks, Webpages, Photos, Videos, etc

The reflection of traditional houses in water could give you the idea of writing a picture book. If you have a website, you can also get posters about your website's topic to make your site beautiful

The basic idea here is that even with self-publishing you should spend money to get your book the exposure it deserves and becomes available for distribution. By other words, you should sell yourself.

There are in fact many companies and printing houses that charge high prices to publish your book. After all the efforts you made writing your book, you need here also to know honest agents in this area.

So it is necessary to make sure that the process serves you as an author and no one will sell many copies of your book, without having you to know about it.

If you searched using the search engines for agents to get your book out of th printing house, you will find more than 808,000,000 in the result pages.

It will become very difficult to know the real and honest publisher, unless you get in direct contact with some of them in your area or have a friend recommending the best printing house to you.

There are of course some well known companies such as Pinguin, Amazon, Lulu, Barnes and Noble, Trafford and Xlibris. You may also know some other companies in your area.

If you trust those companies in your area go ahead, get an ISBN for you book, discuss your publishing project with them, get the contracts and always demand that you have the complete rights to your book with its unique ISBN.

I wrote the article above about publishing. Now, we have a part of an article to read through two links below, which falls in this direction with some personal notes.

The following article about this specific topic was part of a free package I received many year ago with rights to model it, or distribute it, or even sell it and make money.

It is here with some useful information about this topic. However, the claims of huge profits may not be factual. I built the first part of it at self-publish-book here and on a page at the political site, you can reach through the following link:

See my book at the right column and get one from there, or from If you wanted me to publish your book, use the form below and provide FULL INFORMATION about you, your book and your full contact information.

In addition to publishing, you may also be interested in the following articles about arts and cultures, which are included in the Art Links, Site Map 11, with its extensions into sub-site-maps at Art and Culture, Fine Arts and French Paintings:

Arts and Cultures:

African Art| African Literature| Art Essence| Art Stores| Chinua Achebe's WorldEbook-Publishing-ArticlesEditing-and-Publishing| Emecheta| Exhibiting Online| Ezine Acts Bookshop| Language Translation| Malerier| Multicultural Project| Paintings| Photography| Sell Paintings Online| Sudanese Art|

Dance, Music, Songs and Videos:

Dance| Native Americans Videos| Red Indians Videos| Salsa Samba Dances| Sudanese Music| Sudanese Song| Video| Video Games| Video Shows| Video Talk|

Digital and Video Products:

The following pages help you produce, and publish audio and videos.

Audio Products| File Converter Software| NTI Home Video| Video Converter| Windows Movie Maker|

French Paintings and Painters:

Claude Monet| Edouard Manet| Henri Matisse| Jean Bernard Carillet| Jean Honore Fragonard| Paul Cezanne| Paul Gauguin| Pierre Auguste Renoir| Raoul Dufy|

Information-Publishing, Internet and Marketing:

Email Marketing ArticlesEzine-PublishingInfo Marketing Articles| Informatics Articles| Information Marketing| Information-Publishing| Information-Publishing-Articles| Internet Marketing| Internet Marketing Articles| Internet Marketing Strategy| Marketing Articles| Marketing Strategies Comments|

Some of My Books:

Arabic Phoenix Poetry| Phoenix Order| Wakening of the Phoenix|

Relevant Publishing Services and Resources

Amazon's Options

The Professionals' Guide-to-Publishing

If you wanted to build a publishing profession as a home based business, use the form at Small Business Consultancy and provide good information about yourself.

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