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Nov 01, 2014
Optimizing Pictures!
by: Khalid

I find optimizing pictures very interesting and amazing because this process goes through 3 different media, each of which does something different to optimize pictures.

The first media is your camera, which produces pictures the way you want them while shooting and the second media is the video maker in your computer, whether it is iMovie in Mac, or Windows Movie Maker where you could upload the pictures to produce videos.

This helps you add many features to your photos, record audio, or music and add other touches to produce excellent videos. The photo optimization process also depends on your Video Converter, whether it is NTI Home Video, or perhaps other File Converter Software.

It is an art and it has technical experiences, expertise and practices, as you first use you camera to shoot pictures and then get those pictures to your computer to do other technical works to optimize your images. This technical optimization, whereby you use pictures enhancement software in your computer, such as iPhoto (which is somehow limited), or Photo Shop, or other software you find on your App Store, or elsewhere.

But, you could use the same product you use to shoot pictures and optimize photos. You could do that on your iPhone, or tablet and then upload them to your computer. All you need is to search the App Store for free photo editor software.

What remains is the third process and this is what this commentary is about.

The process is totally textual, as you add text content to your photos to optimize them for search engines to improve your website presence and enhance one of the on page criteria regarding images and for the readers of your website to get more information about the pictures, as explained on the Ezine Acts Pictures with more insights at Pictures for Your Website.

The picture optimization has also some other examples to learn for them at the Ezine Acts Galleries and the Ezine Acts Photo Gallery.

Amazingly, all the lessons you could learn to optimize pictures are included in all-in-one-place tools to optimize pictures and optimize the primary textual content of your website. Who else offers such complete product on the Web? None. See the image below.

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