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Aug 18, 2014
Affection Comes True in the Right Time!
by: Admin

If you found this is her habit, then you need to take serious step to know what you did wrong that makes her behaves that way.

If there's nothing, then take another step to solve her love problem and of course your own problem through psychological medication. If you were good at it, you could do it yourself by creating good intuitions between you both to lead her towards what makes love sustainable.

If not, don't worry. When she gets back, talk to a psychiatrist you know in your area and ask him if he could provide spiritual medication to such problem. Then talk to her about that you thought of getting to this doctor to help you avoid such problems.

She may refuse, or think that you think she is crazy. Explain in good manners that such kind of medication is so important even for you and it has nothing to do with madness.

If you were just afraid of negative reaction to this solution in your society, tell her directly you are tired of her behavior and that you have not done anything wrong to make her behave that way. Say it clearly, if she tried to breakup again, then that proves that she doesn't love you and you'll not going to live in this situation again.

Sometimes, when men are strong enough and determinant, they solve lot of problems with women. Love has to be compatible to succeed and in this case she seems as making fragments of this love. You don't have to worry about this girl if she said again that, "She sees you like any other guy out there".

Tell her, you are not like other guy and you love her and if you couldn't see anything special in you, then what the purpose of love!

Any similar affection comes true in the right time and with the right woman.

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