This page about LOVE and SEX is only about the way someone, even you and me think of, or behave, which connects the two words with each other.
None of them is a derivative of the other, in fact. Love is not always connected with sex. The two words have different meanings, which separate them from each other.
But, normally, whenever there is a mention of love, sex appears not only behind the red lines, but on the surface to display the image of that body pleasure.
Love and sex would have the same meaning only to someone who always thinks of sex, or looks towards the other sex to have only sex.
Love is an emotion and passion and sex is a body interacting process that could perform to complete love, or to just explode that sexual energy and satisfy oneself. At this angle they are so different, although they are connected with each other.
This could get you into troubles sometimes in two different situations.
The first is when you plan to befriend the other sex only for the sake of this sexual pleasure.
The second is when someone loves you as a friend and you interpret that into a desire to have sex with you.
I discovered WAYS through which you could simply have many people to love you but make love only with one person and let even the other people know your lover and appreciate the relation and help in many ways to solve some love problem, or provide love problem solution, whenever a single problem happens between you.
These personal experiences could help you do many useful things to avoid mistakes in love and sex. Read excerpts of them on some lines below.
I have so many friends from the gentle sex, during early age of my life. They were very courageous that time in a very conservative society. My friends used to ask me always how I managed to keep all these girls as friends, without having any problem with any of them.
I told them that, "I don't think of a woman as a sexual object. I always separate love and sex from each other. That is all."
They admired the way I behave. But, some of my friends said, "That is because you are smart and handsome." I told them that it doesn't matter and added, "When a woman trusts you, she will give you her secrets". I knew the key to a woman's heart and mind.
They laughed at it that time. Then they were impressed when they saw many other girls in my surroundings became friends. We had a festival in the local area that time.
Some of my friends were around me while I was broadcasting about the occasion and reading some couplets of my Arabic poems. That was almost half a century ago.
Some of the girls rushed at the entrance, each of them saying in many tongues that, "I just heard your voice, so I hurried all the way to enjoy this moment."
So, when my friends saw all of this, they started to seek my consultation on such love and sex matters. Many of them knew the way I impress others, especially the gentle sex, so they requested me to write them love letters.
Some of them even asked me to write poetry on the girls they felt in love with them from one side, so they could attract them and show that they are poets too and live that personal happiness with them.
I in fact helped them on all of that to avoid mixing love and sex together in social relations. I don't know how to say, "No". I always say, "Yes" to requests from friends. Maybe, this is one of the reasons I started the online love consulting here.
But I told them it is better for each of them to read more and pay attention to different arts including fine arts, as outlined on the Ezine Acts Fine Arts and cultures, including important literary works that time, when the publishing industry, as explained on the Ezine Acts Publishing was really at its climax.
Most importantly, as I noted that time the basic is to to train themselves how to write better using their native language.
I remember while treating love and sex separately, I stressed on the necessity to break that desire in our minds, which stripes women in our subconscious to see the intimate hidden features of their bodies. It is just that "love" and "sex" are not about the same issue.
They are not always the sentimental feelings and the actions a person takes to express that love and then end it by having sex. But, love and romance are always the two faces of the same spiritual feeling.
The first word interprets the sentimental feeling of a person towards another person or towards an object. Then it indicates that there are somehow spiritual ties that uniquely connect a person with another person and make each of the two persons the core of the other.
In Sufism (which is all about purification and beautification of one's own self), this is a medium for pure love, which makes the two persons unite with each other and none would ever separate them spiritually. However, such kind of love ends sometimes by tragedy.
This special emotion between this person and the other person has also a medium to run through, while they meet and talk. The other person could feel that love, if there is a chemistry between the two persons.
If not, there are many ways involving different kinds of attempts to express that love, whether by some gestures made by the body language, even through the borrows of the eyes, the stretch of fingers, the way a person hugs somebody else, polite touches in public places, or by writing bright letters.
One of the first bright letters and polite touches in love, but also direct letters, that have never had comparisons are the words the Andalusian princess and poetess Walladah hint al-Mustakfi wrote in poetry on one part of her gown.
She wrote in poetry, telling those poets and noblemen who used to come to her garden in Alhambra Palace, "I allow my lover to reach my check and grant my kiss to whom he carves for it."
This was direct connection between love and sex.
All the ways lead to impress that person and influence him or her to take positive action and reply to such attempts, some bright letters, or the other gestures a person makes to express his passion.
The second word begins with acts that express strong desire to touch, rub, test, lick or enter the intimate parts of the body of the other person and ends with the physical action a person takes to get the pleasure of the two bodies when they are united in each other and offset that sexual energy he or she has with somebody else.
It could be a result of love, or just sex for sex and not more. If it is only about sex, then the only thing that may be interesting is to have the desire with the right person and when the moment you involve in such attempt to drive the other person is quietly required by her or him at the same time.
But, it doesn't always work that way. Anybody could get sex in a hurry, even in the corridors of the train station, or inside the cinema. So, sex ends at that point.
Real love and sex never ends, when real love leads to sex and then the couples feel that intimate pleasure, they will belong to each other and see life through the eyes of each other. Sex strengthens love here.
Yes, everybody knows that love is adoration, adulation, affection, allegiance, attachment, devotedness, devotion, fondness, passion, likeness and so on.
Interestingly, I read somewhere about love that it is "an intense feeling deep in your stomach".
Have you every felt love running through your stomach?
Could somebody love from his or her stomach?
Well, you guessed the answer. This is an English concept I think it was created in the year 1857, when the English proverb that says, "The way to an Englishman's heart is through his stomach." It has many similar proverbs in the Oriental culture.
But, here goes some other questions:
Where does a sentimental feeling begin?
From which sense of your 6 senses it begins?
Which of the senses that enforces and makes this sentimental feeling strong?
Do sex have a sense?
Love has those words above that define it. Sex has not such words that define it this way. It is either the sex of a creature, or the intercourse. Nothing more, nothing less.
So, love doesn't necessarily mean sex. Sex in turn doesn't mean love, although making love is sex. The reversal word to love is hate, as many of you already knew.
But, what is the reversal to the word sex?
Well, the answer to this question could explain the difference between love and sex more.
In many cases we see love and romance hang with each other without ending by love making. We have also that kind of virgin love we see through many love experiences, especially in the Oriental culture.
That doesn't end with sex, either. So, the word love means only that sentimental feeling people have for each other and for other objects they care of.
To define love and sex and make sure of the circumstances in which they connect to each other, you should separate them always from each other. Get into your heart and you will define the love you feel for somebody or for some other objects.
Liking is something else although it indicates that you love that or this, so it is ingredient of love to interpret the love you feel towards objects. For love and sex in the cinema, see TV Cinema App.
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