I Love Two Girls!
by Stephanie
(Quezon City, Philippines)
Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood), Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) and Adam (Nick Krause) in Hollywood Heights.
The Two Mean and Naughty Teens Adriana Masters (Haley King) and Her Boyfriend Phil Sanders (Robert Adamson) in Hollywood Heights.
Adriana Masters (Haley King) and Her Boyfriend Phil Sanders (Robert Adamson) in Hollywood Heights.
Loren Tate and Eddie Duran Chatting his Car, While He Drives Her Home in Hollywood Heights.
Stephanie wrote the following request from Quezon City, Philippines:
Well, I am currently in a relationship with two people. The first one is in Singapore, and I don't have any idea when she'd come back, though we could still communicate with each other. The next one is my workmate.
The thing is, I can't stand long-distance relationship. I don't know which one to choose. I like the second one, but the first one and I already had a lot before.
I have also been thinking that, maybe I liked the second one because I've just been missing the first one. But comparing the two, the second one seems to be better since she's younger than me.
Unlike the first one, older than me, and she's really too possessive and strict. I couldn't do the things that I wanted to do since she gets suspicious and jealous easily.
We also had been fighting a lot until she left. I don't know everything she does in Singapore, and neither does she know everything from here.
Also, in the midst of our relationship, I couldn't focus on my family, since she keeps me with her all the time. While this second girl is nicer and easy to be with. She's easy go lucky, and nice.
I don't know what else to do. Please help me in choosing between these girls. Thank you.
* You wrote your request in good language. But, you also wrote it in one long paragraph. Therefore, we neglected it when we saw that it is on one long paragraph. Continue at the link below to read the solution.

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Rano wrote from India, "my story is very complicated. So here i begin, wen i pased out high scul i met a boy,,,,, he was strange to me bt was from my own village. As i had spent my scul life living in scul boarding, i rarely spent few times at home so in dis way that guy was a stranger to me. I m very freindly n bubbly i nature make frnds easily wid both boys n grls".
She continued, "So this boy used to look at me daily n try to talk to me come to my home.. N wid any silly excuses tried to touch my hand ... As i was a teenager i felt somethng dffrnt n actually good from him.. So he proposed me n aftr smtime we got into a relationshp.. Frstly d boy did nt love me heartly bt i did. He jst wanted to touch me to have sex. Bt as i was too young fr dis thngss i cud nt make out his intentions n aftr 2 yrs of relationshp i surrendered myslf to him n dis is continuing till now. Bt now as i got matured i felt dat its not correct to do so. N started avoiding him telling him dat i do not want to dis again bt he nvr agree n tell dats its normal everyone does so. Bt my heart dnt allow me to do such acts again".
"N wid dis dere another prblm dat i hav a male bst frnd he is my childhood frnd v r scoolmates too.. N we love n respect each other and realy very close to each other. Bt now aftr having six year relationshp wid my boyfrnd these days i m feeling dat actually i love my bst frnd n want him to marry n he too wants d same. Bt i m afraid to confess dis to my boyfrnd", she said.
She added, "One day my bst frnd proposed me and i cud not refuse him. And now it can be said i m having two boyfrnds. I m cnfused what to do. My former boyfrnd doesnt want to leave me at any price. And i want to let go my bst frnd any how. What should i do sir plss give me a right direction to follow".
CommentsYou wrote a very long paragraph. Therefore, you request remained here for a long time. I think that you have not followed the guidelines we posted at the main love consulting pages at Online Love Consulting, Online Love Consulting Services and the updates we posted lately at Love Consulting Requests.
We posted the updates at the link above to remind other readers who want to submit love consulting requests to write good requests. We have so many requests we did not answer until this moment because the people who wrote them did not follow the guidelines.
There are also many language mistakes in your request. It is better to check your request and correct any language mistake before submitting it. Don't summarize your problem and provide good details including facts about everyone involved in this problem.
We also mentioned that it is so important to write more information about other things that could help us understand the problem, such as your jobs, economies and cultures of your families. You can rewrite your request following the mentioned guidelines. But, please write it in good English, so we could read it better.
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