I Love My Teacher!
by Purnima
(Bhopal )
Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) and Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) Kissing Nora Tate (Jama Williamson) Farewell.
Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) Saying to Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) What a Misery, My Father is Unknown.
Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) in Swapped Pictures Between the Scenes of Hollywood Heights with Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday), Adam (Nick Krause) and Max Duran (Carlos Ponce) at the Back.
Purnima wrote from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India in one paragraph, I divided here, "I love a guy who is 30+ years old. He is Muslim. He is my coaching teacher".
"He is basically from Bihar, but he stays alone in Delhi. I am from Bhopal. I am in deep and intense love with him".
"My problem is that I am unable to reveal my feelings before him, as he is my teacher and I always have a fear that, I will make a bad impression, if I told him".
"I am afraid he may kick me off. I also have some feelings that he is suspicious about me, as he added me on Facebook and we chat also on whatsapp".
"But, I do not understand him, as he does not send me any message before I start a conversation first. He replies in very short messages and sometimes he ignores me".
"Can you please tell me how can I win his heart and make him love me?"

* Are you from Bhopal, India?
Write about it, or about Any Beautiful City in India and read about Gujarat.
Somebody wrote from Khartoum, Sudan, in one long paragraph, I divided here, "I lost the feeling to know if he loves me or not. I am in a LDR for three years now. I would never call it the perfect one, because of many serious problems that came along".
"I feel am on for 7 months in this relationship, not three years at all. Everything was okay at the beginning and then everything just seems to fall apart. He got engaged while we were together and kept refusing it and it's all past stuff and nothing serious is going on".
"Later in the same year, I traveled to him, and his fiancé answered his phone once. I was so devastated then. I kept asking myself, would he do such a thing to me. All I did was loving him truly, and if he was honest enough with me I won't ask him to stay, if he doesn't want to".
"After I talked with his fiancé, I lost contact with him. He broke up with his fiancé, couple months later and came back to me asking for forgiveness, telling me that he was been manipulated and cheated and he is sorry for everything he had done".
"I hesitated at first to return back and trust him, because he hurt me deeply. At the end, I accepted to go back and give him a last chance. Everything was so much okay and even better than before at the beginning".
"But, now I am not sure of what he really feels for me. I still love him, but my love is decreasing, because of the way he is treating me. He doesn't talk much. He doesn't ask about me. He seems cold".
"I feel we are more like friends who in a while will turn into totally strangers. His ex is in the same place he works at. She is his student. I feel him changing, and whenever I ask he says (she is like yesterday to me and she means nothing)"
"But, he acts like she is everything. Am feeling so much neglected by him, and my love level is decreasing day by day for him and now I am thinking of getting out of his life, because I feel am all alone in this relationship".
"The feelings level is never the same or even near, when compared. Sometimes I really feel am totally nothing to him. I can't understand him anymore".
"And if I ever came and talked about such a thing, he will start a series of blame, like how I think like that, and he loves me. Help me, please. I am so much confused and don't know what is the right thing to do".
* Are you from Khartoum, Sudan?
Write about it, or about any city in Sudan and read about
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