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Mar 31, 2010
Be Open with Logic!
by: Admin

Use your sense to know your friends better and make sure of things. Friends need always to be open with each other. You escape complications by being clear and direct.

People need clarity of mind, credibility and transparency so much in any love affair. They do not need to complicate things while they are clear. You made the first mistake and kept repeating it many times, although everything was clear to you from the first time you started to feel that you love this person.

You know of course how to express your love to somebody without even wording it. It is always right that great minds have purpose others have wishes. You forgot the purpose and concentrated on the wishes. Go back to reality and face it.

Since your girl friend has no clue about loving him and they kissed because they were desperate for it, the dish is not broken yet. Ask her if she loves him really or not and remember your answer to this question when she asked you.

This could help you understand the difference between you and her. You will know yourself better and make sure of your attitudes to change any negatives.

If she said no, be honest in such situation. Tell her the truth and explain to her why you acted that way although you love him. This should clear any confusion, although it will be difficult for your girl friend to understand it, as you have denied that you love him. She might think that you began to love him after she has told you about those kisses.

You need to be logical and honest in such matter while talking to her. Since you are friends and you are both girls, chances are better to understand each other without any complication. In some cases, your girl friend might be that person who does not accept things easily. You know her better than me, so use your judgement while dealing with her wisely.

You have nothing to do if you found that she loves him. Face it bravely and if you found that your girl friend loves him, help them maintain this love. Sacrificing your love for your friends is also love.

Again, if you found that she is not in love with him, talk to him and find out why he cares about her more than he cares about you and if he loves her or not. You do not need to talk directly in this matter. You can discover it by many ways while talking to him about both of you.

If you found that he just cares of her because of her break with her ex-boyfriend, it will be easy for you to express your love to him the way you wish. However, you need to attract him wisely to think about you.

Keep me updated.

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