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May 15, 2016
Don't Give Your Heart Just to Anyone!
by: Khalid

There are some guys like this boy. They want to play with girls and feel in control. This guy want to control you so you could always run after him and this gives him a great pleasure.

But, in the other hand there are girls who like this and enjoy it... yes, enjoying being controlled and even humiliated by boys.

Love is not like this at all. The very best values in love is to respect the other person and to feel that if you hurt her/him you are like hurting yourself.

He might be also a type of a person who don't know what he wants exactly. This is not a well-focused person. His acts also express selfishness. So, there seems to be incompatibility between you.

People have the abilities to control their hearts and feelings. So, don't give your heart until you see that the other guy respect you as a human.


You made it very difficult to read your request as you wrote the most of it in one go and very long sentence. You didn't follow the guidelines to submit good consulting request with the required full information to know more about the problem.

You didn't write your request in short sentences and short paragraphs for easy reading and understanding.

You don't write any email address to respond to you.

How could you be serious after all of this?

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