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May 11, 2013
Consult Your Parents and Doctor!
by: Anonymous

You are heterosexual person, until you decide to be bisexual. In normal situations, you should look to this matter from the positive perspective to keep on dealing as a natural feminine in your society.

In your age, it is too early to concentrate in sexuality, until it is causing a serious problem; so in this case you should take steps to tell your mother. You are in the save side, as it appears from your words. So, keep on dealing as a natural feminine, as you could.

You have many important things to do in your school and at home in this age. You have not provided good details about your family, including your parents, sisters and brothers, to see this problem better, so we could analyze it and give you more good advices.

You could love your teacher, as other students do. Your teacher is close to you and she treated you well. So, that is what makes you feel you love her. It is normal. If you told us about your mom, we could see some lights to tell you what to do.

When she touched your hand, she did not mean to express any sexual desire, although she looked into your eyes (or, you might have just imagined that). That is normal too. Your teacher is a good teacher by the morality standards of her profession. So, she will never mean to induce you sexually.

What about your sisters and brothers? How often you hang with each other and chat? How your relation with your mother goes? How you interact with other boys and how they interact with you? You have not provided good details to help you solve this problem.

However, take it seriously from the points above and the following points. You are too young to think too much about this issue. You are heterosexual person. You only love your teacher because it is too kind to you and she treated you well.

You are also very kind and sentimental. So, think of yourself as heterosexual person and with the time your feelings will develop with sexual attraction and behavior towards another person from the opposite sex.

Are you open with your mother, or any of your older sisters? You could chat with them to explore these things better. We don't know any information about your family and we have mentioned that it is very important to provide such information to look deeper into the problem.

Get into normal relations with your classmates. See the common interests you have and share them. If you asked your teacher about how to do such things, she might have told you. When you hang with boys, always think that you are too young for any sexual behavior.

Continue reading these points.

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May 11, 2013
Continuation - You are Heterosexual Person!
by: Admin

Keep focused on your lectures and hobbies to fill your time. Develop good relations with your parents, sisters, brothers, classmates and other neighbors. Grow an interest of literature to read more, so you could know more.

Your teachers could help you on what to read and what hobbies to take care of, as they know you better. Ask them guidance to develop such things and invest time on them to grow your mentality.

Again, always think that you are heterosexual person and you are too young for such sexual behaviors. The time will come to enjoy that with the right person and continue on the right direction to enjoy this life.

If at any time you felt that this feeling is controlling you, ask your mother to take you to your doctor. It is very important to treat such issue earlier, as it could indicate that one of your hormones is just greater than the other.

Your doctor would guide you into the right direction to solve such problem medically. The balance of the sexuality hormones are important to determine that the masculine hormones are proper in a masculine and the feminine hormones are in the right balance in a feminine.

If you didn't understand any of this, speak to your mom, or your doctor about these hormones to explain to you how they work to define the right identity of a person.

* Read some love problems at:

Parents Problems| Personal Relations' Problems| Polite Touches| Problem Instantiating a Relationship| Roommate Finding Services| Sentimental Confusion| Sex| She Does Not Love Me Anymore| She Left Me| She Refuses to Talk with Me| Should I Continue My Love or Not?| Should I Tell Her that I Love Her?| Should I Try to Keep this Guy or Push him Away?|

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