How to Plan Projects?
The tips about how to plan projects on the Ezine Acts Multicultural Project highlighted the necessity of defining your project along with the steps to implement that project on a website you own. You knew by now how to define the most important values of your project and then choose the best name for it based on these values to implement it.
Offline projects should also be planned according to the values they have.
Consider the values of your offline multicultural project, the same way you used to define the values of the online project. Use the Choose It tool, as explained on the link above and its linked page here.
First, is it locally, or globally based?
This is very essential, because any attempt you will take to implement that project depends on getting the answer to this question. You should get the right answer to get focused on the location your project covers and see what that location requires, according to demands and legalities.
After that you will specify the goals and the values of this project. If it was locally, focus on the following basics:
- Which sectors of the society you plan the project to involve?
- What gender and age this project helps?
The gender is very important, so ask yourself these questions;
- Is it for women?
- Is it for men?
- Is it for both of them?
- Is it for the young?
- Is is for the aged?
Maybe, your project is not about humans, but about animals, or birds, or plants, or inanimate objects, or environment, or weather, or just about any kind of knowledge. See the environment project I achieved in Eritrea to get an idea of environmental projects.
But, humans are involved too. You get the idea.
The more objective you are in this regard the more likely to get into the right direction to start planning your project. You get another value too, when you determine what your project is about and whom it may concern.
Prepare a document and name it the master project sheet. Instead of "project", give your folder the name of your project, just before this word.
Create pages inside that folder, using the following:
Name your project at the top of the second page and leave few pages blank. On every page after that do the following in details:
- Write what is it about.
- Write the sources it covers.
- Write the goals of your project.
- Write whom it may concern.
Timing is very necessary to set a period to achieve this project. Maybe, it has many phases.
- What time every phase consumes to fulfill it?
- What time the entire project needs to carry it out?
Well, the project should have a budget.
How do you count that while planning your project?
The budget includes the expenses of the project (i.e transport, calls, papers, prints, advertising and any other expenditure you may consider while arraying it). It also includes your efforts, the time you spend working on that project and the money you may pay others (i.e project's assistants) to do something for you.
This is very important to help you study your budget and even know from where you could get a budget to carry that project out. While planning the project you may ask from where do you get the money to implement it! There are many organizations, institutions and local authorities that could help you fund your project. But, take care, you should be very practical here, professional and rational.
Plan that right. Write all fundraising potentials in your master project sheet. Include any notes while you are carrying on the project on the last pages for yourself to take care of during the fulfillment of your project.
If you decided to carry it by yourself and you have some money to invest, then as an
investor you could start your project right, by planning it well.
I have a project sheet containing all the required details to plan and fulfill a project, I would be glad to send it to you to help you step by step, so you could build that project easily. Use the contact us link on the first part of "How to Plan Projects".
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Tell me at the form that you did and provide the addresses of the pages. I'll then send you the sheet of the project.
BELIEVE ME YOU WILL NOT FIND THIS SHEET ANYWHERE ELSE. This is why I have not published it in any page online.
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