How Do I Find My Way in Love?

by Jane Phan
(Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States)

How Do I Find My Way in Love?: Jake Madsen (Brandon Bell) and his wife Traci Madsen (Shannon Kane) while they were in love and before she decided to leave him.

How Do I Find My Way in Love?: Jake Madsen (Brandon Bell) and his wife Traci Madsen (Shannon Kane) while they were in love and before she decided to leave him.

I write my love problem here and I hope you will help me out of this stress. I got a boy friend but we have been living far away from each other for one year already, because of financial problems.

We cannot meet each other. Everything had gone well until one week ago. We had argument because I blamed him saying that he does not care about me like before. 3 days ago, he told me that he slept with a gal in a bar, it was just for fun.

But, I feel hurt very much. He said sorry and cannot continue this relationship even we had plan for wedding this year.

I feel very sad now. What can I do?

I am feeling sick and upset. I am waiting for your reply to help me solve this problem and get a clear view in love.

Thank you so much.


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