Hopeless Love!
by Nikhil
(Mumbai, India)
Nora Tate (Jama Williamson) Worked Hard, as Single Mom to Raise her Talented Girl Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) in Hollywood Heights.
Nora Tate (Jama Williamson) and Max Duran (Carlos Ponce) in Love in Hollywood Heights.
Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood), Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) and Adam (Nick Krause) in Hollywood Heights.
Nikhil wrote from Mumbai, India in one brief paragraph, "My story started in my post graduation days. A magic has happened the moment I saw her. When the time passed, we started to talk to each other and we become friends".
"She texted me on valentine day and admitted she is in a relationship. I told her I got the news and understood that she loves someone else and all of a sudden my whole world shattered".
"But, I decided to stay with her, as a friend. I always stand with her and by the time that passed I started to feel I love her even more. The guy she is in love with him left her".
"She was restless, helpless and broken. I was there for her. A volcano of emotion is bursting inside me, but I stayed calm. I did not want to tell her about my feelings".
"When I was about to end college, I felt that time has passed and I will not see her after that. So, I proposed to her. She rejected me. She said that she only consider me as a friend".
"I am unable to live with her. I asked her for a six months period and she agreed. I love her like crazy. Now, the six months period is over. She is getting married to a man. I am unable to visualize what I should do next".

* Comments
You should follow the instructions to write in details and provide the required personal information to know about your ages, education, economical situation (if you are independent or not) and then more information about the other person.
* Are you from Mumbai, India?
Write about it, or about Any Beautiful City in India, upload pictures from it and read about Gujarat.
Somebody wrote from Bangalore, Karnataka, India in one brief paragraph, "My name is Hari and I am from India, Bangalore. I've always had this problem. I can't talk to girls. I'm not bad looking at all! I really don't know what to do to make girls like or love me".
"So, I seriously need some help! I'm in the 12th grade! I'm a little fat. I am not sure whether this is the problem, or not".
* Are you from Bangalore, Karnataka, India?
Read and write about it, or about any city in India and upload pictures at the two links above.
Ruchi wrote from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India in one brief paragraph, "Actually, we have a love problem as we are in long distance relationship. So, I think he should give me enough time. He said, (we will get married)".
"But, now he doesn't say anything about our love. He seems like he doesn't understand. He is actually my niece by relation. Can you please help me solve out my problem".
"It is only after a fight that he started to talk with me in front of his friends. Before that he never talked to me in front of them. And even he never introduced me to them in the 1 year of our relation".
"He did that only after I asked him to do so. I want to know why he is behaving like this".
* Are you from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India?
Write about it, or about any city in India and read about Gujarat at the links above.
Someone wrote in one brief paragraph from Dhaka, Bangladesh, "My name is Sharmin. I am from Bangladesh. My problem started few days, when my boyfriend avoided me and did not give me any time. We are always fighting. Tell me how I could make him love me and satisfy me".
Ruchi, Somebody 1 and 2 read the comments above.
* Are you from Dhaka, Bangladesh?
Write about it, or about any city in Bangladesh, upload pictures and read about the
Ganges Delta.
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