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Mar 12, 2014
How to Be Rational in Love?

The problem requires more details as we mentioned at the guidelines on the page you used to submit the request. Therefore, this request remained unanswered for sometime and we have not received more information since the first day we published the page.

You are too young for such experience. You should be concentrating on your studies, if you were a student.

OK, this is selfishness, frankly. Love is not a choice, but it is a destiny through which sex becomes an outcome of such relation. So, you cannot use it to play with everyone. When it becomes that play, then it would disappear to pave the way for sex only.

Yes, sometimes, our hearts could beat for the wrong persons. But, we learn a long the way that is not love, as love always comes to stay, despite that it causes sometimes some tragedies.

Despite the tragedies love could remain and win, if it is real and so strong. If your love was strong enough you could see how to deal with your jealous boyfriend. This is a normal reaction in love matters, which you have the main role to control.

You could speak about it with him and explain your thoughts about it and mention that if it is too much it will destroy your love. That what should happen before taking any steps to get melted in the arms of somebody else.

This behavior indicates that sexual acts could easily drive you. Now, it is out of hand, although you could discuss the matter with your first boyfriend, or just tell him that the relation is in danger and it will succeed this way.

The rational thinking however, is to be more wise and try to understand him better. Provide everything you could to explain when jealousy exceeds it becomes suspicion, so how could you both live with that when you get married?

Since both of your common friends are involved, you made it difficult by your last step with the other guy. Get back to your sense and think wisely of nurturing love, in stead of making it a cover for sex.

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