Monetizing Google AdSense!

Some websites' owners use Google AdSense and just put units of it at the top of pages without content, expecting the money to come in. Wise websites' owners never do that. They know the AdSense never works that way.

I'll never do that. It's not wise, because this is an infringement to the terms of use. There should be a content to monetize your efforts, and not just any content!

If you don't have anything to sell online, you can still build a website and make money by only using Google AdSense. All the media over there is saying that.

However, it's 100% domed to failure if you created a MFA website (Made for AdSense website), as we learned from the web mantra here to offer spiritual and linguistic, emotional and technical meditation accompanied by sense to visualize the web.

Well, I am just a head of myself! But, not like Buddhist and Hindu, go through it to believe it, use it with Google Adsense and improve the textual context of your website.

Some people are making big money with AdSense forgetting to use their own web mantra as explained at the link above! Some people are not.

Those who are not making the good deal from it, are absolutely upset by this fact, while others are capitalizing big even though the implementation of AdSense unites composed of ten text links, and even though they put two of these unites in one page surrounded by other two small unites.

However, they build quite long pages for these ads to work better.

I have seen people using Google AdSense on "blank" websites too. They don't have content and they use the Google AdSense units to make their content.

Some of those people are using four AdSense units for example on one page. I can see very well that the AdSense is well displaying there, in spite of the fact that there's no content, but links, which open into other pages with some more links to open into similar pages.

And they say, Google monitor this!

Well, I have heard some folk calling such websites "Directories" although there's nothing to mention as a directory.

Google says the following:

"When you use Onsite Advertiser Sign-up, your ad units will display an 'Advertise on this site' link that takes advertisers to an informational landing page with details about your site and the Google AdWords advertising program".

"Advertisers who sign up through this page will be guided to create an ad targeted specifically to your site, and only your site".

"When more advertisers create and target ads to your site, you'll benefit from the competition as it drives your potential earnings up."

I think for good reasons the mentioned directories could add some descriptions to their index not only to optimize the page for AdSense, but to be in the safe side, as well.

Google has mentioned this very clear in a phrase saying: "You can customize the landing page advertisers see with the logo, color scheme, and site description of your choice, to provide advertisers with the best idea of what your site's all about. For instructions, see our entry on How do I customize my Onsite Advertiser Sign-up page?"

Google AdSense and Google AdWords work in different languages, such as what I call Arabic AdWords. See this page and the examples of these Bad Arabic Ads here.

In the AdWords network, there are some Adwords in French, Adwords in Italian and Adwords in Norwegian. However, each AdWords in any language of the mentioned languages works better with relevant bilingual content.

So, while working such contents, you should build bilingual websites to essentially make the bilingual AdWords work. It is obvious to say content is the gear that drives relevant ads to this content, based on the main keywords of the content.

You actually do this even without having to think of making Adsense revenues from Google Adsense by focusing your content on one narrow theme and do the lessons included on your website building tools if they have gears to optimizing a website.

The Ezine Acts Business Strategies Cat. has many insights on building such content starting from Choose It to focus on narrow niches you build out of your experiences, hobby, knowledge, passion, or one of the most things that interest you.

Google AdSense and AdWords!

Google introduced "Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up" feature to maintain "Site Targeting" Google launched lately.

According to Google, that's a new way of targeting ads to sites in the content net work, to offer advertisers more flexibility and publishers more ad inventory, so they could enjoy publishing more, as explained at the Ezine Acts Publishing.

Some of my friends thought that, this is absolutely new "more in demand" revenues tailored specially for those who have no other means to best monetize their websites, although they have traffic.

I thought differently, because I am a little bit confused about giving the publishers more ad inventory.

This will actually work good for sites there have no other means to monetize, or for those publishers who are fed up of their affiliate marketing, that left them null.

But, how much profitability this "Googling" project has inside for those publishers who have their different kinds of monetization?

The most "serious" question is this: At which level does this new project evolves in sucking revenues from ads and affiliate programs, those publishers utilize on their web sites?

Nothing is predictable! But everything evolves evaluation should evolve expertise! However, I purposely encourage the very small businesses owners who have not generated revenues from their sites to use "Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up as the preferred monetization module.

I am trying to come out with evaluation while using it now. I used bilingual AdWords while observing some of Google AdSense units on different bilingual websites inside my network and in the surroundings. 

Therefore, I came with the services I offer to write good Arabic AdWords or to translate those ads from English into Arabic to enrich Google AdSense and save bilingual advertisers money.

They can make money this way too. I did this actually after watching bad Arabic ads in Google AdSense network. This way, I consider Adsense as tackle to AdWord.

The Ezine Act, Politics, Business and Love website gives you a rare opportunity to advertise and target your ads to a wide range of audience in totally new area of businesses on the Internet. This area is also quite virgin!

Now look and guess what will happen if you go for any Internet business to this wide area with your offers, or even new business opportunities both online and offline you tailor especially for those areas in the African Continent, Middle East, or the Arabian peninsula?!

Could you be a referral marketing champion to the Ethiopian coffee?

This is only one example! Or perhaps you could add more features to the Red Sea tourism industry! Or you can go even beyond expectation to bring new telpheric industry (telpherage) to the Eritrean heights.

See 100 Beautiful Sites in the World and for so many examples.

One of the most useful "THANK YOU" methods some people use while reading useful articles is to support those articles' directories, or those intended to build articles' directories. Since it is simple and does not take much time, we at "Google AdSense" page encourage you to use one of the small buttons to share this page with your social media.

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