There are numerous French paintings by some renowned French painters to enjoy the French art prints, the French framed artwork, the French architectural paintings, the French abstract paintings, the French oil paintings and paintings with other materials.
Posters make your site beautiful and earn you additional income.
* You will read about this specific topic here on this page with the relevant links included to highlight the topic more. But, if you are intended to know how to use such topic to improve your life, link to the insights at the last section of the page.
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Most importantly, you will read about the French art movements, the French famous paintings, the French famous artists, the French galleries of art and the French posters of paintings.
When you read the French paintings by renowned French painters, tell us how do you enjoy the French art paintings and describe your favorite French oil paintings.
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Paintings as an expression of findings in the surroundings started by drawing elements prehistoric humans were used to see in their surroundings. Most of the drawings were made by curving on the stones, mountains and caves.
They have even drawn some of their activities and observation to the nature in contours, as the excavations on some parts of the world proved. The Canary Islands / Islas Canarias in Spanish known as Canaries are the place where prehistoric drawings in contours are found to be of African origin.
But, the first known paintings are still controversial to researchers, as some of them refer them to Neanderthals, who are claimed to be apex predators and track the next paintings to be French drawings started with the Grotte Chauvet found in the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave in Ardèche in southern France.
So, this is what makes the French to be pioneers of painting arts.
In general the French art is consistence of visual and plastic arts with the French architecture, ceramics, textiles and woodworks as materials of this art.
In modern art ventures, France gets farther to invest its art even on jet paintings as they contracted with Dubai to work Dubai jet paintings and complete it in the first quarter of 2017, as the first kind of military art in the Middle East.
The French art gets farther to appear in the French fashion designs, which took part of the artworks in New Delhi with the launch of the first French fashion design and management institute in the Indian capital city.
What are you going to learn from those French art paintings, or any kind of arts, being French or not?
The most important question is this: could it be possible for anyone who does not have a single concern of art, or who does not care about such topic whatsoever, to benefit from such (dead topic)?
It's actually (not dead) because this kind of art is creative and inspirational and it still has that elegantly enduring and engaging art essence, although some of those paintings we admire nowadays are created long time ago.
Being (dead) is not habitual trend in art.
More French Paintings for your walls at home, or at your website could make your home, or website beautiful and earn you additional income.
That means arts never die, even when they are old to be buried. They sometimes find someone to rub the dusk from them and bring them to life, as it has happened with many famous paintings, whether they are French paintings, or not.
From this point we could sense the values arts have in common to raise our common senses to the values of arts from decade to decade.
The French Paintings belong to many art movements or art schools in my native term of this kind of specification to refer paintings to their schools. Those art movements include, alphabetically:
Barbizon School, Classicism, Cubism, Dada, Fauvism, Figuration Libre, Fluxus, Impressionism, L'art Pompier, Les Nabis, Lettrism, Naturalism, Neoclassicism, Nouveau Realisme, Op Art, Orphism or the Puteaux Group, Pont-Aven School, Post-Impressionism, Rococo, Romanticism, Schoold of Fontainebleau, School of Paris, Situationist International, Surrealism, Symbolism, Tachism or L'art Informel.
Each of these French schools or French movements in paintings has style and philosophy of its own art. The differences between these French art movements or schools created different kinds of tests, assimilation and feelings. They're still creating different kinds of awareness even from their variation.
So, it's more than French paintings that we do mean here. It's about how to "beautify" your heart and mind. And not only are (we) here, but Claude Monet, Edouard Manet, Henri Matisse, Jean Arp, Jean Bernard Carillet, Jean Honore Fragonard, Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Raoul Dufy are here alive in their French paintings welcoming your visit to the French paintings on this web site.
Here is the French Paintings Index of French painters, followed by insights to use French Paintings to improve your life.
Claude Monet - The impressionist French painter has started the Impressionism movement in fine arts in France and the public rejected it from the first impression.
However, Impressionism proved to be strong in attracting so many followers and remains until today one of the best art's movement / school in the world.
He had great influence on his contemporary French artists and other artists worldwide too. In fact, we can see his influence on modern artists too.
Despite this, few sources say that he was not the first French painter to create this movement.
Some of Claude Monet's artwork in the Ezine Acts Video Shows:
Some of the artworks of the French painter is on this video below. Enjoy.
Edouard Manet - Edouard Manet has a page that includes Edouard Manet's store! Buy, sell, acquire these French paintings or build your fine arts a store using the following all in one place website building and optimizing tools.
Then build stores using the links below the images on this page, or use the linked pages here at the best art store in the world to make your website beautiful and earn additional income. See the Ezine Acts Art Stores. Follow to know how to do that through the insights below the index of the French painters.
Henri Matisse - Henri Matisse is well known for his brilliant, fluid and absolutely original draughtsmanship and his use of colors.
Now, you can see the complete store of the French artist, acquire one of his famous paintings, or build your own artworks website about Henri Matisse. See Ezine Acts Publishing.
I consult you on how to use the famous artist's name to build a small home based business and work at home successfully. Yes, I mean of course, any other famous person too. Just ASK this question, "how could I use French art paintings to improve my life?"
Jean Bernard Carillet - Jean Bernard Carillet has a store here! Buy, sell or acquire these French art paintings. See Ezine Acts Photography.
You can even use the page to study this artist, search it, research it and see potential online business you could do with such topic. Follow the insights below.
Jean Honore Fragonard - Jean Honore Fragonard's Store has many beautiful French artworks to buy, sell or acquire. See 10 Hints to Exhibit Your Artwork Online.
I sometimes enjoy these arts, shoot photos and produce videos to make the stores enjoyable. You can take any store from here to build it a website and make a living from your new home based businessEzine Acts Home Business.
Paul Cezanne - This is a collection of artworks by Paul Cezanne! Here are also some great French art paintings by post-impressionist and impressionist painters in France to enjoy, acquire or sell. See Ezine Acts Sell Paintings Online.
Any knowledge here combined with passion could build you theme focused websites based on narrow niches. But, you should define your passion right first, then build web pages to monetize it.
How to do that?
Follow the insights below.
Paul Gauguin - Paul Gauguin's Store! French art's lovers can purchase French paintings, exhibit, sell or send them in one basket package, as gift of love.
Gifts of love have already many benefits. No wonder, you can use them to build loyal base of customers, if you have a local business on the Internet.
Gifts of love have already many benefits. No wonder, you can use them to build loyal base of customers, if you have a local business on the Internet.
Pierre Auguste Renoir - The second French impressionist painter, Pierre Auguste Renoir had unbeatable feelings of landscapes and the features of the female's body.
Is there any comparison?
He influenced that French atmosphere of ecstasy by his nude French paintings. However, he didn't use nudity the way we see nowadays offline and online. See Ezine Acts Paintings.
Raoul Dufy - Raoul Dufy has art prints and fine arts works here! See the French contemporary fine arts to purchase, exhibit, sell or send as gifts to your friends. Read the Ezine Acts Exhibiting Online to learn more about how to use French drawings to improve your life too.
Take this term "French art paintings". You could get many synonyms for paintings too. Work it around, or remove art. Those terms are in fact keywords and from here the foundation of such art business begins.
Continue at "How to Use French Paintings to Improve Your Life"!
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