Getting free radio advertising continuously is so simple. You could easily get it and keep it running, as long as you wish. Even with a business of your own, you could get an advertising opportunity in your local, or regional radio station.
But, you should first think of what you are doing in your society, or in your professional life, as something that has and is well connected with the demands of other people and look for the relevant sections of the media to build some kinds of business relations with some executives in the media of your choice!
To some levels, you may not consider that as advertising your profession through the radio, or the TV, or the magazine, or the newspaper of your locality. See
But, it would be, anyway, if you planned to do it the proper way it is, when any media source conducts an interview, or a reportage about what you are doing, or what you have achieved, or just about your thoughts, as one of the intelligentsia in the society.
Even if they never got to know you, yo can still plan to get their attention to your profession, or to the thing that you have achieved, which helps others, or just has benefits for your society, other professions, or social activities. That is an opportunity to get free radio advertising to your business.
For example, you have a chance to get to the media, if you were an atheist. When the media covers sport activities, seek of ways to know the sport journalist who covers such activities.
Get his attention and attract her, or him by some good ideas, or some good activities you run to support your team, the sport sector, or your society. It is very easy to get free radio advertising, or free advertising in the other media, when you achieve this.
If you had a Facebook fan page, or any social media, or bulletin boards, you should mention that during the interview, or the reportage. Better, if you had your own sport website. This would get you free radio advertising. It is as simple as that.
If you published a book, you have a chance for a presence in the cultural pages on your local newspaper, or the cultural programs in your local radio station. Get to know one of the staff in this media and convince her or him to write about you, or to interview you.
When they publish, or broadcast news about your book, ask them to review your book, or conduct an interview with you, as a person who have some good ideas about your topic, or about publishing books.
It would be easy after this to get free radio advertising. But, again, you should have a publishing website, as explained at the Ezine Acts Publishing.
The same examples go to arts, if you have any website for any arts, as explained at the Ezine Acts Art Links along with the Ezine Acts Literature.
These are just few examples of how to get free radio advertising to your business, whatever it is. You can find many examples just in many fields of knowledge and experiences in life in the index at last section of the free radio advertising.
This is a kind of free advertising your business on radio stations. But, in other ways, you have to pay somehow something to get the exposure you need.
Speaking about expenses, follow this article I have received with some business reports many years ago (almost ten years) which has many ideas about how to get free radio advertising.
Continue the free radio advertising below.
In addition to free radio advertising, this is another approach to radio advertising, which gives you more business ideas:
The greatest expense you're going to incur in conducting a successful business is your advertising.
You have to advertise, whether you seek free radio advertising, free advertising in the other media, or paid advertising. Your business cannot grow and flourish unless you advertise.
Advertising is the "life-blood" of any profitable business as explained at the Ezine Acts Business along with the Ezine Acts Business Strategies Cat. And regardless of where or how you advertise, it's going to cost you in some form or another.
Every successful business is built upon, and continues to thrive, primarily, on good advertising, whether it is free radio advertising, or advertising in the other media. The top companies in the world allocate millions of dollars annually to their advertising budgets.
Of course, when starting from a garage, basement or kitchen table, as explained at Auto Tune Up Shop, Garage Sale and flea markets you can't quite match their advertising efforts - at least not in the beginning.
But there is a way you can approximate their maneuvers without actually spending their kind of money. And that's through "P.I." Advertising.
"P.I." stands for per inquiry. This is a kind of advertising most generally associated with broadcasting, where you pay only for the responses you get to your advertising message.
It's very popular - somewhat akin to bartering - and is used by many more advertisers than most people realize. The advantages of PI Advertising are all in favor of the advertiser because with this kind of an advertising arrangement, you pay only for the results the advertising produces.
To get in on this "free" advertising, start with a loose leaf notebook, and about 100 sheets of filler paper. Next, either visit your public library and start poring through the Broadcast Yearbook on radio stations in the U.S., or the Standard Rate and Data Services Directory on Spot Radio.
Both these publications will give you just about all the information you could ever want about licensed stations. See the collection of advertising articles at the Ezine Acts Business Publicity.
An easier way might be to call or visit one of your local radio stations, and ask to borrow (and take home with you) their current copy of either of these volumes. To purchase them outright will cost $50 to $75.
But, remember always that you have many chances to get free radio advertising, as explained at the top of this page. However, when you consider the expenses in the paragraph above, just think of your returns on investment.
Once you have a copy of either of these publications, select the state or states you want to work first. It's generally best to begin in your own state and work outward from there. If you have a money-making manual, you might want to start first with those states reporting the most unemployment.
Use some old fashioned common sense. Who are the people most likely to be interested in your offer, and where are the largest concentrations of these people? You wouldn't attempt to sell windshield deice canisters in Florida, or suntan lotion in Minnesota during the winter months, would you?
At any rate, once you've got your beginning "target" area decided upon, go through the radio listings for the cities and towns in that area, and jot down in your notebook the names of the general managers, the station call letters, and the addresses. Be sure to list the telephone numbers as well.
On your first try, list only one radio station per city. Pick out the station people most interested in your product would be listening to. This can be determined by the programming description contained within the data block about the station in the Broad casting Yearbook or the SRDS Directory. See Yearbook Help.
Let's say that you're listed 250 different radio stations. It's best to list the stations you want to contact alphabetically by the city or town they're licensed to serve, with a tab separating each state. The next step is either a phone call or a letter to the station manager of each of the stations.
This first contact should be in the way of introducing yourself, and inquiring if they would consider a PI Advertising campaign. You tell the station manager that you have a product you feel will sell very well in his market, and would like to test it before going ahead with a paid advertising program.
You must quickly point out that your product sells for, say $5, and that during this test, you would allow him 50% of that for each response his station pulls for you. Explain that you handle everything for him: the writing of the commercials, all accounting and bookkeeping, plus any refunds or complaints that come in.
In other words, all he has to do is schedule your commercials on his log, and give them his "best shot." When the responses come in, he counts them, and forwards them on to you for fulfillment. You make out a check for payment to him, and everybody is happy.
If you've contacted him by phone, and he agrees to look over your material, tell him thank you and promise to get a complete "package" in the mail to him immediately. Then do just that. Write a short cover letter, place it on top of your "ready-to-go" PI Advertising Package, and get it in the mail to him without delay.
If you're turned down, and he is not interested in "taking on" any PI Advertising, just tell him thanks, make a notation in your notebook by his name, and go on to your next call.
Contacting these people by phone is by far the quickest, least expensive and most productive method of "exploring" for those stations willing to consider your PI proposal. In some cases though, circumstances will deem it to be less expensive to make this initial contact by letter or postcard.
In that case, simply address your card or letter to the person you are trying to contact. Your letter should be positive in tone, straight-forward and complete.
Present all the details in logical order on one page, perfectly typed on letterhead paper, and sent in a letterhead envelope. (Rubber-stamped letterheads just won't get past a first glance.)
The articles at the Ezine Acts Advertising and the Freebie Ad Magazines along with the Free Online Business Advertisement and the Free Press Releases resources would definitely give you more free advertising insights.
Continue the free radio advertising below.
Ideally, you should include a self-addressed and stamped postcard with spaces for positive or negative check marks in answer to your questions: Will you or won't you look over my materials and consider a mutually profitable "Per Inquiry" advertising campaign on your station?
Once you have an agreement from your contact at the radio station that they will look over your materials and give serious consideration for a PI program, move quickly, getting your cover letter and package off by First Class mail, perhaps even Special Delivery.
What this means is that at the same time you organize your "radio station note book," you'll also want to organize your advertising package. Have it all put together and ready to mail just as soon as you have a positive response. Don't allow time for that interest in your program to cool down.
You'll need a follow-up letter. Write one to fit all situations; have 250 copies printed, and then when you're ready to send out a package, all you'll have to do is fill in the business salutation and sign it.
If you spoke of different arrangements or a specific matter was discussed in your initial contact, however, type a different letter incorporating comments or answers to the points discussed. This personal touch won't take long, and could pay dividends!
You'll also need at least two thirty-second commercials and two sixty-second commercials. You could write these up, and have 250 copies printed and organized as a part of your PI Advertising Package.
You should also have some sort of advertising contract written up, detailing everything about your program, and how everything is to be handled; how and when payment to the radio station is to be made, plus special paragraphs relative to refunds, complaints, and liabilities.
All this can be very quickly written up and printed in lots of 250 or more on carbonless multi-part snap-out business forms.
You have now got different ideas about free radio advertising and some expenses to incur when conducting a business like this. But, if you intended to promote your business, then the most useful part of free radio advertising is that when you get to the media you should use your profession, or activities to get free radio advertising and free advertising in the other media.
The first part of free radio advertising is written by me and the second part is a report I have received in the past about this business and I find it relevant to this page about free radio advertising.
When you get experienced with all the insights of the free radio advertising, you can get with such experiences to the TV channel, or the TV providing company to know How to Produce Cable TV Spots and fund it with TV advertising.
Continue at the Ezine Media Advertising.
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