What Does EziSearch Do?
This is just Ezisearch to make your search easy!
Besides, it could help you to get some ideas if you are about starting or maintaining a small home based business on the Internet working from home, or anywhere.
Therefore, I put here some advanced mechanisms on this page to help you search easy and find what you are looking for, or to develop a sense of emergency to build a thriving internet home business, you learn form simple business ideas.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please do watch this state of the art search tutorial. Keep the two pages open so you can see what good site search can do.
EziSearch tips and tricks to do your site search right and even make profits from it. No, you won't want to use your own search as your site search tool to profit from your own clicks.
I thought actually about the topic on EziSearch page when I checked all of the keyword searches, which found my 500+ pages on Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, AltaVista, and other secondary search engines and directories.
I then thought of building it to show how could ezisearch be helpful to find the information you are looking for, or to do more than that.
Most of those people, who used those search terms and found my pages, were doing their searches wrong. I knew this from the tools I am using to track such search terms.
Therefore, it seems that they found my pages on their result pages accidentally. I knew from this information I got from the tools I am using that I could use the search terms right and get some pages to have search engines top placement.
This is not only one of the search engines secrets I have learned, as I learned as well that many people who search using such terms and search by names waste their times while doing their site search wrong.
It also tells me that I should check the pages to see the terms from different angles and maybe write additional articles about each, which could be connected with the first resource pages I have built.
This could also indicate that I waste some times publishing the wrong pages. I mean some pages seem to lack good optimization. This is something invaluable you could learn from ezisearch to save time too while working on your website.
For you, as someone who hasn't any online business, you know from the insights how to save your time while searching using the right and direct search terms to reach the information you want very fast. Tow values in one page at ezisearch.
Lacking optimization is very dangerous for any business, as explained at the Ezine Acts Optimization and the Ezine Acts Traffic Converter. I published those two pages later, after having learned the values I mentioned above.
So, what has happened is that I checked the pages to amend them. This is except for the pages with the "how to question" included at the following "how to"s pages, where all seems perfect:
"How to" Into Business:
How Small Businesses Affect Our Economy?| How to Accommodate a Home Based Business?| How to Collect Debts Other People Owe You?| How to Convert Traffic Into Sales?| How to Earn Money from Monitoring Stocks?| How to Get Money Fast?| How to Get the Bill Collectors off Your Back?| How To Improve Keyword Density Using Your Affiliates?| How to Improve Your Website Presence?| How to Make Money Publishing Newsletters?| How to Plan Projects?| How to Publish a Newsletter?| How to Raise Money for Any Franchise 1?| How to Raise Money for Any Franchise 2?|
"How to" Into Inspiration:
How Do Elephants Kiss?| How to Be a Leader?| How to Be Optimistic all the Time?| How to Be Productive?| How to Creating Personal Happiness?| How to Develop Your Personality and Carisma?| How to Positively Influence Yourself and the Others?|
"How to" Into Love:
How Do I Find My Way in Love?| How Do I Forget My Love?| How I Feel the Strong Feeling of Love?| How to Choose My Life Partner?| How to Choose the Right Girl?| How to Communicate with Unknown Girl in a Group?| How to Dispose My Girlfriend's Intense Temper?| How to Fall in Love Again?| How to Get Him?| How to Make Her Believe?| How to Make Him Feel?| How To Tell My Mom about My Love?|
Most of the "how to" pages I published are pages improved through the insights I got after studying the search intent and the search extent provided by searchers who found some pages on the Ezine Act's Network.
Observing the pages, I can see easily some of them have good presence, that indicate the measures of the improvement I have taken seriously and written about at improve your website presence.
Well, the process serves the search engines marketing too, as many website owners tend to do it wrong. There should be specific strategy, which divers from business to business according to the theme of the website, as I explained at the linked pages on the Business Strategies Cat, internet marketing strategy, seven shadow strategies and shadow strategies.
The following tips and tricks could save you and other web surfers time and efforts and help them reach their target as quickly as possible.
The insights are included also in the search engines columns on the editions of the Wise Biz newsletter, which you could find on the index of the Ezine Acts Biz Marketing, Ezine Acts Newsletters, WBM, Wise Biz Marketing and Wise Biz Newsletter.
Ezi Site Search Examples:
Take this search term which comes in a question: "how to write my first child's book?" Perhaps somebody over there is looking right now to find information about this matter on the Internet.
He wanted to know how to write his first children's book. Well, I tested the term in its full extent at Alexa search.
Now, before we get to analyze the 5 pages on Alexa's first results and say why they're not relevant to this search term, we should speak a little about this term to highlight its "specifications".
There're some letters and words in the full extent of the search term, which the spiders don't rely on so much -- but there're some other words that could attract those spiders as quickly as possible to prepare the page for high index in combinations with other parameters.
You get the good results, as a searcher when you exclude unnecessary words in the term.
Those words are "how", "write", "child's book" and then let's assume the expressions of "first child", "first book", and "my" although we shouldn't rely on it alone but when "my" comes at the beginning of the two previous words.
So, when I do a search in this criterion I should be specific, but I don't need to put this search term between two brackets or quotation marks.
There is income potentiality for search engines or some websites to be generated, through inevitable clicks, determined by the move to put this search term between two brackets or not.
Now let's see how Alexa looked to this search term in more than 5 pages. I know Alexa is good at some levels, but it failed me here:
There were 2,736,000 on the result pages. The first three sites are usually Alexa's sponsors, and the rest of sites, which considered to be responding to this search term. But they didn't respond to the term on the first result page.
If you check the words on the search term again, you'll find that they're very specific to the point that does not exceed: how to, write, child's book.
There's no need for "my first" here.
But, Alexa presented at the first result page ten sites with different - how to that goes to something else different from how "to write" without a reference to what to write.
See this first site on the result page ALEXA has indexed and read its description: posting that criticizes other parents' decisions about how to raise their children... to them about posting unless they specifically invited people to write them....
The second site ALEXA has indexed goes in the same direction. It looks this way: last few years, without a lot to fanfare or notice, the writers and network execs...
The book of Daniel in which she played a sassy, hot-to-trot teen (whose boyfriend,.. All My Children has been fizzling for me for so long now I'm finding it hard to recall why it...
The third site goes like this: Platonic, not frequently nor without necessity to say to any one, or to write in a letter...child, and in long illness; and to see clearly in a living example that the same...and he showed prudence and economy in the exhibition of the...
The fourth site was as the same as: I'm coming to the end of my first trimester and there's no relief in sight....
... and even some more sites about cherishing the time with "my first" cup of coffee for example...
And nothing about - how to write my first child's book on so many pages, which means this search result, is "garbage", one of my friends says.
This example goes to so many results on Google too, but absolutely not Yahoo. While comparing and studying the differences between analysing and capturing the search terms I found there're some weaknesses of some great search engines.
But, this is not the intention of the ezisearch page. Is it?
When people search, they should type very short descriptive search terms to find what they're looking for very quickly and save their time. They don't need to enter lot of details.
Write child book, could be enough, as a search term. No need for the other words in the question people actually ask.
If I am looking for ways to control my household expenses, it's better for example to type "household expenses control" or "decrease household expenses", or "settle household expenses", or even "save money" in the search filter. Try to use Yandex and Baidu searches for this. Yandex search engine and Baidu search engine are excellent, even in worldwide search matters, as you see from ezisearch.
If I am looking for ways to solve a teen's problem, it's better to name that problem and add it to the word "teens" when you type it in the search filter. You can type for example "kids disorder", "parenting teens", "kids responsible behaviours" and "teenage problems".
Doing any search or any site search is so that simple. For example, if you want to do a site search here, using the EziSearch tool on the third right column, or at searchit, define what you are looking for.
If you want to do a site search for something that's pertinent to parenting, then you can type that in your site search and find it.
If you want to acquire your own site ezisearch, read the invaluable information to get a clue and then decide to be a good leaner to be a good teacher in any of your interests, wether they are about any hobby, knowledge, passion, personal experiences, or just things that interest you.
In addition to EziSearch, you may also be interested in the following articles on the Ezine Acts Internet Marketing (site map 20) and the Ezine Acts Free Website Traffic (site map 5):
Ezine Acts Free Website Traffic:
Best Ways to Feature Your Business| Build Automated Content| Build Web Pages| Bulletin Boards| Choose It| Classified Ads| CTPM| Discount Cards| Ezine Acts Advertising| Ezine Acts Arabiyat| Ezine Acts Business Publicity| Ezine Acts Link Building Strategies| Ezine Acts Link Exchange| Ezine Media Advertising| Free Online Business Advertisement| Free Press Releases| Free Publicity| Free Radio Advertising| Free Traffic| Guaranteed 1000000 Hits to Your Website| Monetize| Narrow Niches| Optimizing a Website| Value Exchange| Website Services| Websites Traffic|
Ezine Acts Internet Marketing:
Affiliate Marketing Articles| Affiliate Marketing Lessons| Article Writing| Communities Marketing| Ebook Publishing Articles| Editing and Publishing| Email Marketing Articles| Email Marketing Media| Ezine Acts Affiliate Marketing| Ezine Acts Affiliate Programs| Ezine Acts Associate Programs| Ezine Acts Marketing Articles| Ezine Acts Publishing| Ezine Articles| Ezine Publishing| Filling Your Marketing Funnel| Headlines| IE7| Info Marketing Articles| Informatics Articles| Information Marketing| Information Publishing| Information Publishing Articles| Internet Marketing| Internet Marketing Articles| Leads Generating| Marketing Ideas| Marketing Strategies Comment| Marketing Strategies Comments| Newsletters and Autoresponders| Procrastination Marketing|
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The Solo Build It site building tools on the image below are all combined in one place with the automating, monetizing and optimizing tools included to help you learned ann build your business step by step and block by block, as if you are building a house.
They empower ezisearch and the entire of Khalid Osmans Network at the Ezine Act, Politics, Business and Love and update it at the Ezine Act Blog. Asking about how they monetize this page, view the entire page again.
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