Ezine Acts Traffic Converter!
Ezine Acts Traffic Converter of Textual and Imagery Content into Sales. Beyonce, the Lovely Wife in the Obsessed Movie.
Ezine Acts Traffic Converter to Textual and Imagery Content into Sales. World's Beautiful Places.
The Ezine Acts Traffic Converter is a website traffic converter software. But, it is not just a software, such as the File Converter Software, or the Video Converter Software.
It is a system that has all the required technology to achieve many internet business tasks to end into converting traffic to sales, as you read at How to Convert Traffic Into Sales. That article ends here.
More Insights on the Ezine Acts Traffic Converter!
Get Some Confidential Stories to Inspire You to Convert Website Visitors into Customers.
SBIers are owners of "Site Build It" sites and they make a very interesting web business category at the top website indexes on the internet.
They are released from that entire headache, I started this article at the provided link on "The Ezine Acts Traffic Converter" above. The all in one place website building and optimizing tools save them from such painful experiences and release them from any business stress.
Everyone else with a web site is too worried about how to convert traffic into sales, so some web-masters try hardly many methods to trick search engines and implement some different kinds of monetization modules and strategically they fail.
And especially if you don't have your own products or services to sell on the Internet, any predicted answer to the "how to convert traffic into sales" question will result into zero in value, unless you implement those first scientific steps to get your website running and gaining high free traffic.
This is the simple answer to the question of How to Convert Web Traffic into Sales.
First Step First:
How to be your own web site building and promotion professional?
How to begin professional website building, optimizing and promotion?
Search engines promotion is nonsense without your own brainstormer. You need first to learn from these proven methods how to do it this easy and sophisticated way:
First insight!
Get the Way Map!
Prepare to Run!
Then Run! 
You may believe it or not... but, fact is this is essential and it will make your site "fastness", as a proven method used by SBIers to remain effective up to date!
When some people want to build a web site to do any kind of businesses online, or to move an existing offline business to be online, they do need more than web-hosting and domain packages.
They do need even more than professional web site promotion services to make every web page within their entire site highly indexed by the most important search engines in the World.
They need to know the secrets to:
Convert Traffic Into Sales Some web-masters and newbies will think that I am telling nonsense here. Am I? Well, I am simply saying web-hosting is only (a commodity) as Ken Evoy puts it. Why? It's because of the fact that a web-host does not care about your success.
He cares only about keeping you paying for the service he provides you. Your success is not his duty, it's only yours. Just get out there and ask some web-masters you know and they will tell you the same thing.
Ask even some hosts and they will say: well, we do care about your success of course but that's not our job. They're right, because, as we see at the Ezine Acts Traffic Converter "how to convert traffic into sales" has nothing to do with hosting.
Your domain registrar does not care also about you as to succeed or not after having you registered your domain and that's obviously because your success is not his concerns. It's obvious that, "how to convert traffic into sales" is something that he is not obliged to explain to you.
I know a company that provides both of the hosting and the domain services in some packages and it sells them through its consultants and keeps the high profits to itself and throw only 20% of it to the hard workers only if they achieve sales values in specific time.
If they don't, they will get nothing from the income they have generated to the company. Read about this point on the second section of the Ezine Acts
personal motivation.
The sad story is that although those hard workers had paid a lot of money annually to keep on their hosting and domain packages, but they gained nothing significant. Nevertheless there's only an elite there profiting from this big cash!
But, what about the professional web site promotion and why did I stated that you need more than this kind of promotion at the The Ezine Acts Traffic Converter page?
I am going to highlight that in the following summary:
We (I and you) know that a professional web site promotion is the main vein that runs the traffic blood through the entire body of your web site. It makes it alive to prosper.
The whole website promotional process is very wide and varied, and the more you get acquainted with it, the more you understand how the whole process works and how to optimize it. Right?
You do need of course a professional web site promotion, but this will never work alone unless you prepare for it yourself. Yes, you must put some efforts on it so that it works for you FREE, instead of paying that much money for it. Here exactly is where you can be your own website optimizer and promotion professional!
How? I am hearing you asking!
Yes, you can be your own web site promotion professional even if you do not know anything about all of these words said above. I am not telling you about magic. I am pointing to your brain.
So if your brain is working good, you need only to develop your thinking euphoria with a little help of a "mechanical brain" I am using, to create high trafficking potentiality to the existing or new site.
This is simply because a web site promotion is a work of words that should be generated and written in specific places on every page for both; the Web surfers to find their needs, and the search engines' spiders to smell their roots.
Those words should be in different places in the entire web page article or content. I know also some webmasters will come out to say: No, you need to study the (optimization process). Forget about it.
Because since you'll probably know your page content then you'll know that you don't need just to throw some words here and there on the page and then expect to get traffic. Search engines nowadays look for originality and authoritative backgrounds on real life subjects.
Now the professionals over there know why and how to get ranked high on Google and to get their sites indexed high on Yahoo, Inktomi, MSN, Ask Jeeves, Overture, HotBot, Excite and Lycos. I do not know how to go and do it with every search engine, or any of those services.
I know only that I can do it using my own brain and my
website building tools to bring most of those great engines to my web site and let them consider me, as an author who has some authoritative backgrounds on my subject.
What about you?
You can do it my way and even make those engines love you;-) One more thing I would like to tell you here is that I am not a search engine professional and I know nothing more practical than my web site building tech-brain, the whole in one place building and optimization tools.

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