Some Ezine Acts Cartoons to Enjoy!

The Ezine Acts Cartoons are only for some fun. However, there is a value in such fun you could discover through the lines and the Ezine Act's Cartoons below to link with methods to use to improve your life and make it more better.

So, if this fun is one of your hobbies, you could simply use cartoons to improve your life. How?

Use it as a concept for a theme focused website. But, using the cartoons as a concept is difficult, unless you research it and study it well, even if you are caricaturist, or a designer and maker of such kind of arts yourself.

This is a continuation to the business ideas I explained at "hobby" to help you discover your hobbies and thus discover how to make them online business career, along with any other passion you have. The rest of the Ezine Acts Cartoons tell you more.

Could you make any image from this amazing architectural and sculptural artwork from the ground where it's installed? Get posters to make your site beautiful

However, the page has also some examples of this visual art to enjoy. So, if you are not concerned about discovering your hidden power to use the best concept for your work at home business, skip the mentioned pages and enjoy the following jokes, humorous phrases and some other posters here.

To those who are concerned, it will be very good small business if you were a caricaturist, or if you knew how to make cartoons using your computer and other softwares to produce movies both for minors and seniors, or to produce computer games based on graphics.

This word does not make a wide concept, as other words like "art and culture" you read about on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture, because this could be a category and categories are somewhat wide. You should define a topic in this category, if it is your craft to narrow the art and standardize it to build narrow niches.

But, the word I used for this page (I don't want to repeat it every time, for an analyzing purpose concerning this page) I say, the word alone is not enough to build you well theme focused website.

You should be looking for other ingredients of that word not in synonyms (as you will not need this for now), but to identify the nature, or the description of the cartoons you want to use. Following the same process I mentioned in the linked page above, you will arrive at the point "profitability" to use that concept right.

The keyword combination works here too. This word doesn't stand strong enough alone. Mix it and enjoy the juice of it. However, I don't need to build it as for example, "kid's cartoons for the day", or something like that that doesn't work.

Use your art sense to define the art essence you love, as explained on the Ezine Acts Art Essence, brainstorm it and be sharp to choose it right and then the concept would reveal itself to you in an inspirational mode, so you could compose it of delightful relevant words that hang with the spirit of it (essence).

Here are some lights about this concept to make sense of (which and what) to use from it and how to use it:

As illustrated visual art composed of two dimensions, it is a caricature, as explained on the Ezine Acts Caricatures. However, it is used as cine visual art to produce animated films, so the entertainment movies started to develop to have more techniques.

This kind of visual art involves almost everything possible on earth, from family occasions to business, love, education, economy, music, medical treatments, politics, computers, sports, humor, sex and children and kids' entertaining movies.

You see it on Walt Disney's world and other pictures, from:

  • Alice in Wonderland to Treasure Island,
  • Cinderella to Hannah Montana,
  • Daisy Duck to Miss Kitty,
  • Dinosaurs to Dragons,
  • Huckleberry Finn to Tom Swayer,
  • Mickey Mouse to Tom and Jerry,
  • Peter Pan to Pocahontas,
  • Pokemon to Pinocchio,
  • Robin Hood to Tarzan,
  • Sinbad, or Sindibad to the Thief of Baghdad and Aladdin,
  • Star Wars to Earthquakes,
  • Superman to Batman,
  • Tin Tin to Daffy Duck and...
  • The Lord of the Rings to whatever.

Hey, "whatever" is not a title of a cartoon!

But, that description of the Ezine Acts Cartoons that hangs with caricature is so different, both in the techniques used and in the language. It is direct, have short condensed messages and goes directly to the idea behind it.

It is all comic.

But, sometimes comics could make you weep and search for your handkerchief to wipe away your tears even when you rub them to the point.

Beware of the differences while using this concept, as detailed on the page mentioned above. It is very important to define it, polish it and narrow it reasonably to your desire. After that it would be easier for you to work it and focus on it to deliver what you want to deliver through it.

Enough talking business.

NOW, enjoy some of the Ezine Acts Cartoons here. Share the laughter, share the moment and enjoy your day. You can even use some fun the way you like to live happy and make other successful achievements in your area of expertise the way I explained at success stories here.

* If you liked it, please do really "like" it, "tweet" it, share it with your social media and pin the images you see here. Pin ONLY the pictures, not the New Yorker's.

I feel some joy through the following images on the Ezine Acts Cartoons. You could feel that too and enjoy the moment. You can also get some pictures for your website, if you had one, from the linked page.

Here is how to read the rest of the Ezine Acts Cartoons to enjoy your day.

First, view the images and read the captions of the Ezine Acts Cartoons. If you can't see the text clear, just look below every image to read the text content of those images. That is it.

If you found some of the captions broken, or incomplete on the Ezine Acts Cartoons, think of words to complete them and enjoy playing with words. After that visit the page of the cartoons to read the missed words.

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"Never mind what I did, Your Honor. I want to be judged for who I am, as a…" - New Yorker Cartoon
J.B. Handelsman
Get posters to make your site beautiful and earn additional income at the same time.

"Never mind what I did, Your Honor. I want to be judged for who I am, as an individual"

Buy at
"You have to understand. The hand that was feeding me was a total bastard…" - New Yorker Cartoon
Chris Browne
Posters make you additional income.

"You have to understand. The hand that was feeding me was a total bastard."

Buy at
"No, it's my husband that's expired. Is his credit card still good?" - New Yorker Cartoon
Leo Cullum
Get posters to make your site beautiful.

"No, it's my husband that's expired. Is his credit card still good?"

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"Do you mind telling me where you're going with this?" - New Yorker Cartoon
John Caldwell
Posters monetize art websites.

"Do you mind telling me where you're going with this?"

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"You're history, Leonard." - New Yorker Cartoon
Charles Barsotti
Posters monetize your site.

"You're history, Leonard." Cartoons presented by the Ezine Acts Cartoons.

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Chimpanzee Reading Newspaper
Posters earn you additional income.

Chimpanzee Reading Newspaper!

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Dog in Front of Laptop at Desk
Ursula Klawitter
Posters make your site beautiful.

Dog in Front of Laptop at Desk. Cartoons presented by the Ezine Acts Cartoons.

This reminds me of another New Yorker Cartoon by Peter Steiner, published on 5 July 1993. That cartoon says, "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog."

Now, let me hear your laughter. At which one did you laugh? Which is the best of them all? Why you think so?

Continue to read more at the Ezine Acts Caricatures linked above.

I hope the Ezine Acts Cartoons are interesting and you have enjoyed them, laughed and relaxed with the topics. You can forward the page to your friends. If you have more information about the given topic on this page, please do share it.

It is also possible that you have drawn some of them yourself. This would be a pleasure when you upload them using the upload function associated with the provided source. But, you should get an account first and contact the art company.

In addition to the Ezine Acts Cartoons, you may also be interested in the following articles in the Ezine Acts Art Links, site map (11 A), with its extension into sub-site-maps at Ezine Acts Art and Culture, site map (11 B), Ezine Acts Fine Arts, site map (11 C), French Paintings, site map (11 D), Ezine Acts Literature, site map (11 E) and Ezine Acts Photo Gallery, site map (11 F):

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