The Ezine Acts Biz Marketing here is a site map that includes the editions of the Ezine Act newsletter and the Wise Biz newsletter. I have organized this site map, as the site map (15 A) to help you read the editions of the Ezine Acts Newsletters in one place, since the website is getting bigger.
However, you will also read useful story at the beginning of this site map, The story could be inspiring to avoid mistakes in any business you are running or you want to build online.
The site map 15 A, Ezine Act's Biz Marketing extends into Ezine Acts Newsletters (site map 15 E), WBM (site map 15 D), Wise Biz Marketing (site map 15 C) and Wise Biz Newsletter (site map 15 B)
Each of the indexed pages on the Ezine Acts Biz Marketing has the insights you are looking for to start a home based business, or to improve the one you have and get more free website traffic, monetize the free traffic and improve your life.
All of the editions of the indexed newsletters are in the archives of the Ezine Act Blog's Network to enrich your knowledge, not only about online businesses, but also about the offline businesses, as explained on the Ezine Acts Offline Businesses.
The Ezine Acts Biz Marketing Newsletter has started in 2001 in a different website. It started at at Worldprofit. But, that website was not about anything that could help me get motivated to carry on as journalist.
Neither it was of any type of business that runs out of my professional experience, hobby, knowledge, or passion. It was a website that promotes high priced websites at Worldprofit that are made for marketing purposes and nothing more.
That experience opened my mind into a new world.
The background story could be useful for you and other people who come here to get some inspirations and motivations, read good Ezine Acts Inspirational Articles on the Ezine Acts Inspirational Sites, get useful insights from the Ezine Acts Motivational Articles on the Ezine Acts Motivational Sites and learn good lessons to avoid failure.
Yes, there are many mini sites on the Ezine Acts Blog including the Ezine Acts Biz Marketing mini sites.
You will of course avoid failure by preparing well from the start if you thought of building any business online. That is why this story is useful.
That website was one of million readymade websites made by one of the big companies on the net. The company sells high quality designed websites.
They use the readymade sites to promote their designs and web hosting services, including comprehensive ad and banner advertising.
I had not any idea at the start, when I purchased that site from that company, I would be working for the company. I thought simply of making additional income to be independent.
After two years of hard efforts and learning from useful resources here and there, I understood many things and realized that I need to work my own business, instead of working for others.
I outlined some of the lessons I learned at About Me and Leads Generating. That experience had been useful, although it was hard and discouraging. It started me in the right place, where I now build my own business here on the Ezine Acts Biz Marketing.
So, I can only see the success I have achieved through my own websites... websites that I own, manage and observe and decide on the way to use them to improve my life.
It all started at the moment I discovered my mistakes and decided to work my businesses here from things I know much of information about to build them in different theme focused websites.
But, I also did a mistake here when I chose a wide and non-themed concept such as ezine act, politics, business and love to build my niche around and I have already built more than 100 pages at that time. Now, the pages are above 1000 pages and almost %35 of them are pages by visitors.
I again found myself in a critical situation. Should I continue this site or leave it?
Well, I stopped at this and got back to learn more. I had many useful resources to learn good lessons form them when I got this website. The resources include the "Net Writing Insights", the "Words Magic" and the "Wisdom of Achieving Success", all of which you can get through the Contact Us form. Just mention the one you need.
I read them thoroughly and carefully to discover that all I needed to do is to follow my passion and build it narrow niches and then carry on the Ezine Acts Biz Marketing, without having to market anything.
That was good point to start again leaving this website to grow on its own and building other websites at the HOA Political Scene and 100 Beautiful Sites in the World, which I built it and then forwarded it to my daughter, as a gift to start building a business while she was in the university.
However, I get always to the Ezine Acts Biz Marketing to maintain some pages. This is because, I see that it has good presence online, although it is not focused on any specific small business.
I only get to it to add more pages to organize it, instead of leaving it like a wild horse on this cyberspace.
The Editions of the Ezine Acts Biz Marketing Newsletter
The editions of the Ezine Acts Biz Marketing newsletter have three names in this journey. The names appear as Biz Marketing, Wise Biz and Wise_Biz-Ezine-Act, when the other Ezine Act newsletter amalgamated with it and before I adjust that.
After that I changed the Ezine Act Newsletter to be the voice of HOA Political Scene and built it a new website at the political website.
* Biz Marketing 36 - The Ezine Acts Biz Marketing 36, is a newsletter with information and offers to study money making strategies, money making mechanisms and tactics, so you could make a successful home business on the Internet.
The six columns of this edition of the newsletter include insights on business and love, in addition to the pros and cons to understand how search engines work and what they look at to index good websites.
* Biz Marketing 37 - The Ezine Acts Biz Marketing 37 offers combined keys to money making strategies, money making mechanisms and tactics to make a successful home business on the Internet.
Learn how to do your homework. The six columns include one about How to be your own web site building and promotion professional! In addition, the columns of the newsletter run in harmony with the main subjects.
The "Intro/ Publisher Main Spot" is about how to enlighten your soul and refresh your mind taking into considerations all things that interest you. So, the "Top Wednesday Thought" has a quote to step right.
The article in the "Search Engines" column teaches you the pros and cons of this field and the "The Wise Biz Marketing Place" shows you where to go shopping from needles to rockets, highlighting the merchandise aspect and show you how to make money too.
* Biz Marketing 38 - The Ezine Acts Biz Marketing 38 comes with tips about how to save money and how to make money through simple wise biz steps. The quest coolest corner in this edition has an article about how to single handle every task.
One of the columns tips you on what to do during every New Year insane promotions. So, the "Top Wednesday Thought" is about having a vision on this subject to choose what you want every new year wisely. In this direction, the "Guest Coolest Corner" shows you how to handle every task.
* Biz Marketing 39 - The Ezine Acts Biz Marketing 39 continues motivating the people and presents some offers, to save money on necessary purchases or to make a successful home business on the Internet.
There is an article in the "Intro/ Publisher Main Spot titled Don't Buy Ready-made Websites"! The "Top Wednesday Thought" as it is titled "A Woman's Beam" gets you into the first attraction of the gentle sex and love.
* Biz Marketing 40 - - The Ezine Acts Biz Marketing 40 highlights some strategies to self-improvement, career and business development, and elementary keys to make a successful home based business on the Internet.
The "Intro / Publisher Main Spot" comes with an article titled "Your Own Career and Resume Profitable Business" and the "Guest Coolest Corner" encourages you through full informative article to "Determine Your Future".
I added a seventh column to this edition to include "Archives: Our publications".
* Biz Marketing 41 - The Ezine Acts Biz Marketing 41 highlights some straight forward strategies to self-improvement, career and business development.
The Intro / Publisher Main Spot includes an article titled "Informatics: Sell Information By Mail" and the Guest Coolest Corner has an article titled "Advertising "Click Fraud" Rampant Online".
Continue the Ezine Acts Biz Marketing site map (15 A) at the following Ezine Act's Site Maps:
Newsletter site map (15 B),| Newsletter site map (15 C),| Newsletter site map (15 D),| Newsletter site map (15 E)|
Amazingly, there are many insights in so many offline and internet businesses. So, the wise biz is obviously the wisdom needed when speaking of which to help you see the lights and make good decisions.
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