The Ezine Acts Art and Culture to Enjoy Reading about Different Cultures!

The Ezine Acts Art and Culture is the site map (11 B) in the Ezine Act's Network. It indexes many art and cultural pages on this network. In addition, it shows you through many of the focused articles on specific arts and cultures how to use any art, or culture to build a theme focused website about it.

As part of the Ezine Acts Art Links, site map (11 A), it extends into the site map (11 C) Ezine Acts Fine Arts, the site map (11 D) French Paintings, the site map (11 E) Ezine Acts Literature and the site map (11 F) Ezine Acts Photo Gallery.

So, you could read about different cultures and arts here, some of which you might have not heard of before, such as the Sudanese Music and the Sudanese Song.

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The Index of the Ezine Acts Art and Culture!

* Bilingual Websites - Building web pages based on bilingual content is an art and culture in some ways. Whether you agree, or disagree let me know.

It is art because you'll depend on the techniques that work with non-English characters and then, if you didn't know how to do it, you could learn from the educational materials on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture.

The process is also somehow cultural, as you could enhance your qualities while using the techniques to work with some website designs and while learning at the same time from the best website building and optimization tools in the world.

* Dance Schools - This is a model, or a paradigm to dance schools you could lead on your area, whether in a club, or a school. You could even do it on the streets as a business… but, only after good business planning. 

It is developed after wining some levels of a TV dance program. So, in this field you could be motivated to start with TV programs and when graduated from there get involved in the dance business. Yes, it is an art. But it is an art business too.

It could work more better, if you get focused on it to build it a website based on your passion, professional and personal experiences following the business ideas and the guidelines provided on the business part of Ezine Acts Art and Culture, which is well focused on the linked pages. 

In addition to fine arts, this paintings registers some cultural values in the day-to-day Danish life.

* Ezine Acts African Art - The indexed African Art on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture has a glimpse of multi-cultural African art essence and African rhythm to cure the insanity of politics, as I wrote many articles about at the HOA's political blog.

It was part of the political pages I have on the Ezine Act before moving many of the political pages from the political section to the second website at HOA Political Scene.

However, this page about the African art, with the included Ezine Acts Art Links stays here. African arts from the Horn of Africa belong to the mentioned political website above.

The African arts shine beyond the terrific horizon of the instability and the poverty to raise hopes, build good national feelings, cure the tribal and cultural problems and unite the people.

At least, this is our hope and we'll fight for it through the Ezine Acts African Art.

* Ezine Acts Art Essence - What's art essence? Is it essential for our lives? How to be equipped by such amazing essence of art?

The Art Essence is essential to refresh our souls, get us new impulses and set us free of our physics to reach the metaphysics; that is the time to reach the utmost personal happiness.

In art purism and perfection, it is necessary for creating the art environment you want to work from within to create any genre of art and thus become that perfectionist you want to be.

But, in the real daily life, it connects you well with other people. Make you the master of any connection, or communication, because you do that in an artistic way.

In love, it gets you warm with your soulmate stretching your best polite touches, as if you are paying on a piano and enticing with your bright letters, as if you are whispering a poetry.

In politics and other similar positions, it answers the question of how to be a leader! It helps you master the artifice and become articulated with your speeches. It does more than that, in fact.

Maybe, you are one of many people who begin everyday searching for art links to read, link their thoughts and build an art essence in their lives.

They do read thoroughly, while approaching multi-cultural atmospheres to understand different cultural backgrounds in our globe better and get more insights about the most things that interest them.

It is not only visual arts that enhance our understanding to many things in this regard. Books do well to enrich our cultural backgrounds and re-build our art essence, just in whatever matters.

TV shows, video shows, movies, music, art galleries and museums do the same thing and build a global vision inside each mentality to share good understanding to many cultural, economical and political factors that have different effects in our lives.

* Ezine Acts Dance - Dance and produce dances on videos to Enjoy! Professional dance has systematic walks in different dance genres. It makes people take the leads gradually to train the body and elevate the soul!

However, unbelievable chances of profits hid behind the video production and the content of the indeed page on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture to bring your attention to profit from it.

* Ezine Acts Entertainment

* Ezine Acts Freelance Photography - This job is blooming offline. It could bloom more online by having it focused on your expertise in the field and your knowledge of the field of photographing and freelancing too.

These are two professions which could be integrated in your hobby, or passion and here exactly is the values of this integration to work good for you online. You could for example provide lessons on the two fields in textual content and audio and video products.

The other values of both of them are that you could use similar services, or products to offer through your freelance and photography focused website. This way, you earn additional income. See more insights through the linked pages on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture.

Ezine Acts Music -

* Ezine Acts Photography - There are some pictures on the indexed pages on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture to enjoy at the photography page and more information about using it, whether it is a profession or a hobby to make the most useful things out of it.

The page shows you at the same time how to use your camera to work at home, earn extra income from a small home business you own and succeed even during the recession hard economical situations.

* Ezine Acts Pictures - The indexed pictures and pages on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture provide some examples of how to use pictures to make your website beautiful and even earn income from your pictures. There are more values to using pictures at Pictures for Your Website. See the indexed page on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture below.

* How Do Elephants Kiss? - Is this art, or culture? Seriously, it is entertaining article, so I wondered where should I index it, on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture, or somewhere else on the Ezine Act's Network.

But, when I viewed the entertainment is already indexed here, I determined to let it be, as a wanna be elephant to kiss like that;-)

However, since the kiss is a kiss of love, although it was between mammals, it is also relevant to the Ezine Act's site map (6) Love. The interesting part of it is the search between mammals for this kind of intimacy.

And the elegance part of it is in the reflection of intimacy more than sex.

* Native Americans Videos - The indexed page on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture includes new Native Americans Videos I have shot during one of the festivals and on some weekends, while I was enjoying my time!

The Native Americans Music has already been colored with the Red Indians' folklore to enjoy, or to take the rhythm online for more benefits! You can color the wind here too.

* Pictures for Your Website - Why pictures are more important to integrate with websites content? What do you need to do while working with pictures on your website? What sorts of ingredients you want to add to pictures? Why you should do that?

The indexed page on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture provides the answers to these questions through the textual qualities of the pictures, as it provides many pictures to take for your website. It also explains how to use pictures as a content for a special website focused on pictures.

Red Indians Videos - (No offend, as when we got the term through the western film while we were children we felt sympathy and intimacy with people with similar indigenous culture)

The indexed page on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture extends the videos on the Native American videos page.

Some Latinos played the videos during a carnival and I shot them for you to enjoy your time and discover new business ideas to make your videos sell, using strong tools. I am in fact using those tools. Watch the Red Indians videos and tell me what you think.

* Salsa Samba Dances - I shot some videos of Salsa and Samba Dances to enjoy! After publishing these videos, one fellow on the dance competition emailed me that the video I published had won the first prize of the competition.

Well, the indication of the wide spread of the original Latino dances is that they are the most warmer and harmonized dances in the world.

In addition to the article on the indexed page on the Ezine Acts Art and Vulture, there are unbelievable chances of profits hidden behind this video production to bring your attention to profit from it. While thinking of methods to do that, save yourself the time and get the insights from the page.

* Sudanese Art - This is not about the Sudanese art, although there some images of this art along with some Sudanese topics, such as the Sudanese customs, the Sudanese music and Sudanese song, which are all rich.

But, there's a message to take care of and never publish anything on websites that you don't own, unless you are intended to contribute only. I moved some of the indexed pages from the Ezine Acts Art and Culture to the political websites at HOA Political Scene.

* Sudanese Music - What are the specifics of the Sudanese music? it has different types, all of which stand alone in their styles and they are not found anywhere else in the world. They created these types of music from their own specific Sudanese folklore.

Folk know it as the warmest music in the fifth scale of music, which is different from the seventh Eastern musical scale. Traditionally, people play it perfect even before attending music schools and they created new musical tunes by using their throughs the special effects of the tunes.

With the launch of the Institute of Music and Theatre new musical instruments have appeared and the traditional musical instruments have been developed and we also see some renovation going with the classical Sudanese songs.

* Texting - The indexed page on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture is about the messaging language of the new generation, where it reflects the art and culture of this generation associated with the urgency to sum up the time. Interestingly, the texting behavior of the young has motivated even big companies, such as Apple to use their technology to apply the fast messaging technology to iPhone.

* Write Arabic Webpages - Although this indexed page on the Ezine Acts and Culture is a business page to build bilingual websites, but it is also relevant to the Ezine Acts Art and Culture.

While you build web pages you use a sense of art that include designs and other products whether in photos, or videos on pages. Dealing with the tools to add elements to pages is also an art. However, the page shows you how to build bilingual pages and how to build automated content.

In addition to the Ezine Acts Art and Culture, you may also be interested in the other articles in this category at the following links:

Ezine Acts Fine Arts:

Adventures of Tintin| Ezine Acts Art Stores| Ezine Acts Caricatures| Ezine Acts Cartoons| Ezine Acts Exhibiting Online| Ezine Acts Paintings| Ezine Acts Sell Paintings Online| Malerier| 10 Hints to Exhibit Your Artwork Online|

French Paintings:

Claude Monet| Edouard Manet| Henri Matisse| Jean Bernard Carillet| Jean Honore Fragonard| Paul Cezanne| Paul Gauguin| Pierre Auguste Renoi| Raoul Dufy|

Ezine Acts Literature:

Arabic Phoenix Poetry| Arabic Poems| Article Writing| Chinua Achebe's World| Ebook Publishing Articles| Editing and Publishing| Emecheta| Ezine Acts African Literature| Ezine Acts Bookshop| Ezine Acts Language Translation| Ezine Acts Multicultural Project| Ezine Acts Publishing| Headlines| My Journalism Experiences| Phoenix Order| Resume| Self Publish Book| Wakening of the Phoenix|

Digital and Video Products:

Audio Products| Digital and Video Products| File Converter Software| How to Produce Cable TV Spots?| Inventory Videotaping Business| Native Americans Videos| NTI Home Video| Red Indians Videos| Salsa Samba Dances| Special Event Videos| Ezine Acts Video| Ezine Acts Video Converter| Ezine Acts Video Games| Ezine Acts Video Shows| Ezine Acts Video Talk| Videotape Rental Store| Videotaping Ideas| Videotaping Service| Videotaping Weddings| Weddings Photography| Windows Movie Maker|

The search box at the third column at the right column on the Ezine Acts Art and Culture helps you locate other pages about "Art and Culture" in this website easily. Make sure to use it to read some more pages I have not included here.

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