Classified ads are almost used with every business you know about nowadays. So, there are advertising (classified) for many businesses including classifieds for arts, auctions, auto tune up shops, books, boutiques, cars, craigslist, discount cards, discotheques, Flea Markets, Flights, Free Forex Signals, gadgets, games online and playstation games offline, garage sales, gears, gourmet gift baskets, jobs, movies, musicals and wines.
There are even classifieds by localities, as you could see in your area and other places in the world, such as Alabama classifieds, California classifieds, Englewood classifieds, etc…
This advertising form works both offline, as you could see through the Ezine Acts Offline Businesses Section and online too, as you could see through the Ezine Acts Internet Marketing Section.
Online though, it is not of much interest for serious narrow niches you build focused on narrow themes. Despite that, many websites are just classifieds, or about classifieds without serious covering to this topic, as most of them tend to work as advertising websites.
You don't want to do this, if you are concerned about success and you want to achieve that success for your small business. But, despite this fact, if you have only concerns of producing classifieds for others as a business, the following article shows you how to use classified adverts and make money from them.
With many small mail order publications, the cost of classified ads is extremely reasonable. The trick is that you have to run several to pay off any money unless the publication is not dominated by classifieds. Otherwise, people will simply skim them over and more than likely miss your ad.
Therefore, before advertising in any publication, make sure you write and request a sample copy. This way you'll know up front how noticeable your classifieds will be. You also will know the length of classified ad to run. See bulletin boards, as other media you could use.
Example: if most of the classified ads are short, you can run a longer one and be noticed easier. See the Ezine Acts Advertising.
Probably the most effective classified advertising is in national publications like The National Enquirer, Star Magazine and Small Business Opportunities. See the Ezine Acts Business Opportunities.
But who has enough money to pay for a classified ad in these when the rates are $6 to $10 per word? You do! That's right! Now there is a way that almost everyone can appear in these highly-circulated and target-marketed publications for $50 or less!
First of all, get yourself a Voice Mail Box. You can get these through a wide variety of places but I personally use American Voice Mail. (Contact them by calling 1-800-347-2861 or by writing them directly at 2233 Barry Ave, Los Angeles CA 90064.)
You don't have to live in California to establish service with them. You don't have to go through a credit check or have valid telephone service. You can even have a PO Box with no street address. Anyone can establish a Voice Mail Service. There are no previous requirements.
Simply call them up and establish your Voice Mail Box over the phone. It will be activated within 24-hours and the charge is around $10 per month. See ad sheets.
You also have to pay the first and last month's charges within 10 days after establishing your Voice Mail Box, but $20 is very little to invest for the convenience and marketing advantage that will now be open to you!
Once your Voice Mail Box has been turned on and your payment received the company will mail you information on accessing your Voice Mail Box and how to leave a message on it.
Now start placing classified ads asking people to call your Voice Mail Box number instead of sending in $1 or a first-class stamp for more information (like you do in your ads now.) See free publicity.
When they call, you will have a recorded message describing your product or service in more detail. At the end of the message, you will ask the person to leave their name and address so you can mail them additional information with an order form.
Now, 24-hours a day, your Voice Mail Box service will be working for you. Once or twice a day, you can call the Voice Mail Box yourself and retrieve your messages (this doesn't cost you anything.) Write down the names and addresses and immediately send them follow-up materials as promised.
You would be amazed how effective this form of marketing really is. The call doesn't cost you anything and you have up to 2 minutes on your recording to tell the caller more about what you're selling.
It sure saves classified word space and cost plus, callers are more excited about your product or service when they hear a "real" voice telling them about it. You'll get a lot of fantastic leads and increased business! See Ezine Acts Business Publicity.
Here are a few examples of classified ads you can run in national publications that will draw inquiries for you:
Start your own publishing business.
Call (number) Make money with me.
Call (number) Free business information.
Call (number) Start a real business.
Call (number) Free gift.
Just call (number) Make $1,000's.
Call (number) Stay home and make money.
Call (number)
Of course it depends on the product you are trying to sell. You want to make your ad generalized so a lot of people will call it and listen to your message. See free radio advertising.
You can qualify them and eliminate people not interested in your product or service because when they call, you'll tell them everything you wanted to say in a classified ad. See free advertising.
If they listen to the entire message and leave their name and address to receive your materials they are probably interested in what you have to sell. See freebie ad magazines.
However, don't be too generalized. If your product is bookkeeping services, say "Low-cost Bookkeeping services.
Just call (number)." If you offer items for re-sell, say "Distributors needed for new product. Call (number)". See free online business advertisement.
And if you sell gift-type items, say, "Free gift catalog. Call (number)." After you test a few out first in the low-cost publications you'll be ready for the big time! See classified ads on TVs at Have fun!
In addition to classified ads, you may also be interested in the following Ezine Acts Articles in the Ezine Acts Articles Section along with the Ezine Acts Associate Programs and Wise Biz Newsletter:
Articles about Classified Ads and Advertising:
AccessoryAds| AdSense| AdSense Colours| AdSense Revenue| AdSense Revenues| AdWords| Arabic AdWords| Bad Arabic Ads| Classified Ads| Ezine Acts Biz Marketing| Ezine Acts Business| Ezine Acts Business Financing| Ezine Acts Business Forums| Free Website Traffic| Funny Advertising| Google Adsense| Write Compelling Advertisement|
Articles about Some Other Services:
Aerobics Classes| Bartering| Carpet Cleaning Services| Catering Services| Dating Services| Dream Home| Home Based Secretarial Service| Home Based Typing Service| Newspaper Clipping Service| Personal Improvement Seminars| Personal Sport Scorecards| Roommate Finding Services| Secretarial Service| Shopping Center Papers| Telephone Answering| Telephone Answering Service| Temporary Help| Temporary Help Service| Typesetting Business| Window Washing Services|
Articles about Some Other businesses:
Biz Marketing 45| Biz Marketing 46| Biz Marketing 48| Biz Marketing 60| Biz Marketing 64| Biz Marketing 65| Biz Marketing 66| Biz Marketing 68| Business Financing| Business Ideas| Business Planning| Business Relations| Business Reports| Career and Skills Articles| Guests| How to Get Money Fast?| Merchandize| Self Publish Book|
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How to Make Money Placing Free Ads Classified: Learn How I Earn $50-$150/Day Promoting Products on FREE Ads Classified Sites Like Backpage![]() |
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