Biz Marketing 57 Wednesday, 31 March, 2010
The Momentum Success Newsletter! is all about --
"Capturing Shadow Strategies Online to Benefit from the Web".
Published and Distributed FREE weekly By - Khalid Osman's Publications -- Copyright©2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
There are some sticky columns in this newsletter, as you see and they diver from issue to issue. However, you may see the same message again and again. You can treat them as reminders and read them, or skip them to the main columns.
Wise Biz Marketing Newsletter Nr. 57 is a content newsletter and it offers exclusively good information to acquire more knowledge about something and achieve personal success.
It talks to you about how to dig deep inside yourself to discover that treasure mine and be organized to read about things that interest you and write, if you wish, about what you know to improve your life. In addition, the WBM Newsletter introduces good and honest sources to people to get some of their daily important needs from them.
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"Great minds have purpose, others have wishes."
Washington Irving, (3 April 1783 - 28 November 1859), was an American author, essayist, historian and biographer.* Would you like to get everyday thoughts from Biz Marketing 57 free with your café au lait, tea, soft drink or breakfast?
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Saving your money is a purpose in this edition of Biz Marketing 57. You will find much information about this topic in four columns in this newsletter.
Why it is a purpose?
First, the "Top Wednesday Day Thought" gives you a motivational idea about this purpose.
Second, we have some secrets here to read in the Guest Coolest corner to save you money in inflationary times. The article aims to address peopleís needs for money and show them how to spend it in urgent needs only!
The article is also one of the useful articles we publish regularly in the Biz Marketing Newsletter to help our loyal readers and the visitors of the website spend their money wisely.
It tells you what you need to do to save money and how to use it on useful and important requisites. Read it there and tell us what you think.
Third, there are some vendors we know that have great discounts on items you may need to use and save money in the Biz Marketing 57's Marketing Place, the place where to go shopping (From needles to rockets;-) to save money and improve your life.
I do not know who wrote the article I published in the Biz Marketing 57's Guest Coolest Corner after checking some mistakes on it, to help you find the best way to economize in inflationary times.
However, I think that is not necessary. Check it out and pay me a beer, if you thought that I deserve it after reading this good information.
Just tweet and like Biz Marketing 57 using the small buttons at the top of the right/left column and at the bottom of Biz Marketing 57.
I did not write this article. I have received it long years ago included in a business package to use free for any purpose and even to sell it with other articles. However, I offer them free to the loyal readers of Biz Marketing 57. Enjoy, and please if you found it useful, use the small buttons on this page to tweet, like and share it with your social media network. Thanks.
During periods of high inflation, most people have to "tighten their belts," and watch their expenditures a bit more closely. After all, buying on credit and attempting to spend more than you have coming in is a sure-fire road to financial ruin.
In order to live within your income, keep the bill collectors off your back and not really lower your accustomed standard of living, this report on the Biz Marketing 57 is made up of a number of proven ideas to help you.
See for example, How to Collect Debts Other People Owe You? and How to Get the Bill Collectors off Your Back? Get other insights from Bed and Breakfast Home Based Business, Focused Business on One Focused Theme, Home Business Legalities and Tax Advantages and How to Accommodate A Home Based Business?
One of the first things you should do is take write out a budget. You do this by listing your total take home income on one piece of paper, and all of your regular monthly obligations on another piece of paper.
A good idea, as you could see through this column on the Biz Marketing 57 is to set up a separate envelope for each of your bills - use the envelopes from your incoming mail for these, marking on the front of each envelope what it is for.
There should be an envelope for your mortgage or rent payment, for any payments to loan companies, and of course your charge cards, for your groceries, your lights, heat, water and telephone costs. Then, as you get paid, cash your check and divide the money you have into each envelope.
If you are "strung out pretty tight," you may have to contact each of your creditors with a request to lower your payments, and extend them over a longer payback period. If after making out your budget and actually seeing on paper how much money you have to pay your bills, know that this is necessary, and then by all means get in to talk with your creditors.
Tell them about your situation; explain to them that you have looked at your income/outgo situation, and have devised a plan and work with you in everyone off. In almost all instances, they will welcome your plan and work with you in every way possible to help you get caught up.
Probably the biggest area in which you can cut your expenses is with your groceries. To do this, always make a detailed and itemized list of the things you need before you leave home. Total up the costs and if it goes beyond the amount you want to spend, or have to spend, simply go back through your list marking off those things lease necessary. Never go grocery shopping when you are feeling hungry!
When making up your list of groceries to buy, always check your local newspaper for best buys… if you've had to discontinue newspaper delivery, check your local post office about midweek and you'll find "grocery shoppers' supplements" stacked up by people who don't want them.
Go through your papers with a fine toothcomb and compare prices. Shop at the "no frills" stores, the "food barns" and liquidation sales.
By all means, clip out the "cents off" and refund coupons. Keep a sharp eye out at all times for these coupons and use them - if they are for brands or items that you do not want to use, offer to trade them with people who want them.
It almost goes without saying that when you are trying to watch your expenses, you will have to give up snacks and eating out. Instead of buying a candy bar to munch on as you walk through the store, buy a bag of apples and take one with you from home.
Instead of eating out once a week, cut it down to once a month and make it a real reward for having lived within your budget for the preceding month.
With your cooking, prepare more of your meals from scratch instead of serving processed, pre-cooked or hear and serve meals. Save your foil/transparent plastic wrap - just wash it and use it again. Use paper towels or do without napkins. Use bread wrappers and save those place containers - just wash and use them for keeping leftovers. Use washable cloth handkerchiefs instead of expensive facial tissue.
Clothing is another area in which most people can save. Instruct everyone in your family that there won't be anymore new clothes purchases until you've got your finances reorganized - instruct them to learn to value and take care of the clothes they have - make them last longer. Learn to sew on buttons, repair ripped seams, and sew on patches.
Never throw anything away - if something becomes outgrown or no longer wanted, save it for a garage sale or trade for something you can use at a second hand store.
Learn all you can about auto upkeep and minor repairs. Visit your public library and explore what is available that you can use to learn how to "do-it-yourself" instead of having to pay someone to do it for you.
Talk with your relatives, neighbors and co-workers about swapping services… you do little odd jobs for them in exchange for their doing things for you that you either cannot or do not want to do.
Save and sell all materials that can be recycled such as aluminium, bottles and paper. Do not splurge on gifts, either at Christmas or on birthdays. Think of things you can either make yourself or trade for - often-times a handmade card is a gift-enough when times are tough.
Finally, do not go shopping at the big advertised sales if you do not have the cash in hand to buy a needed item. A savings of $50 on an item that puts you $50 in debt is no savings at all. At the bottom line, before you buy anything, ask yourself if you "really" have to have it!
Now here is good advice to economize in inflammatory times by only learning how to build well focused informational BASED business about something you love to do as a hobby, or as something you have got from your work or personal experiences, or as something you are good at.
See how to do all of that in a very simple / easy way to build your passion a home based business. You gotta visit the links when you click on the two images below and continue Biz Marketing 57.
Well, at this point after getting here through three columns and if you are addicted to using search engines to look for affordable prices on some of your requisites, enter only the requisite followed by the following:
First, enter the requisite followed by one of the terms cheap, cheap deals, cheap new, cheap under (and then the amount of money), cheap for sale, cheapest, cheapest prices, cheapest deals. Enter your location in case you wanted requisite from that location only.
You can also enter the requisite followed by best price, best deals, best buy, or best buys. You may perhaps enter the terms discount, discount prices, discounts, discounts for student, discounts for teachers, or perhaps the full terms student (requisite) discount, or teacher (requisite) discounts (if you were).
In addition, you can also enter the requisite followed by affordable price, affordable prices, low price, low prices or lowest price.
Use the search tool at the right column of Biz Marketing 57 and check the results on the first result pages, where you can find the cheapest prices on your requisites.
Where to go shopping (From needles to rockets;-), save money and improve your life.
You will find the complete search engines secrets and hit quarters to attract more free traffic here. You can also read good information about search engines and traffic at the following pages: How to Convert Traffic Into Sales?| Improve Your Website Presence| Search Engines Marketing| Search Engines Top Placement| Search Tutorials|
Well, here we are now at the end of our Biz Marketing 57. We hope it was interesting.
Yours in Peace,,Love and Global Prosperity
Khalid Osman Copyright©2010 Khalid Osman's Publications
P.S You may republish any of the articles in Biz Marketing 57 in its full entirety in your e-zine or on your site as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box. Thanks.
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