Biz Marketing 45
Issue No.45 Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Published and Distributed FREE Monthly By-
Khalid Osman's Publishing Institution (KOPI)
This is an Online Publishing Institution, as showed on the SBI TV.
In This Issue of the Wise Biz Newsletter No.45:
Important Notice:
How to Read Biz Marketing 45?
Well, this notice is here, because we always have new subscribers who would need to read the introductory sticky columns you may read in every edition of the newsletters. So, as for you as an old reader, skip to the other columns you want to read.
Biz Marketing 45th Special invitations:
We've so many invitations in this issue decorated specially for you to cover some of your interests.
1- Want to read this newsletter every month on your own Desktop?
Great, add Wise Biz Marketing Newsletter using these services below to your account or read it through your own newsreader:
A- If you've got any of the services you see on some buttons at the left column or at the bottom of the page, just click on it and follow instructions.
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C- Subscribe to HOA's Political Scene website using the same process, when you visit it through links included here within this issue. You knew already, that I have moved the political pages about the Horn of Africa to that website, living only few political pages here.
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E- If you don't have a newsreader, but have IE7 installed in your system (this old, as the date of edition indicates), or you have Safari, you may only want to click on the button.
* Are you a journalist, or had you ever been?
Then join the Journalists Internet Café here at HOAs Journalists. It's more than a Journalists' Internet Café. You can be a reporter from the area.
It's an International Gathering also, where you can develop your profession, career and passion, get new ideas, keep in touch with new people from the same profession, exchange experiences, make new friendship, develop new thoughts and innovation about The International Peace and make the Globe intact.
** Not a journalist but want to discuss or read about the Horn of Africa?
Well, join our blogs and post comments and articles. Read the full stories and do all of that here at the Political Scene! You'll get many useful e-books from there to enjoy reading and benefiting from them.
If you would like to post anything that has African flavor and could be useful link to posts in Arabic and English just at the blogs on the links above and blog it with us.
Biz Marketing 45th Top Wednesday Thought: Motivation!
"Short debts make long friends."
In French: Les bons comptes font les bons amis! Know more about it in French? Use the comments form.
Would you like to get everyday thoughts free with your café au lait, tea, soft drink or breakfast?
Visit those intellectuals online and get the insight of your life everyday here and see why they and I Love SBI and subscribe to Wise Biz Marketing by filling the form at the top. You will receive more of their intellectual proprieties to study and use for your own benefits, when you submit the subscription and confirm your subscription.
Thank you "Presents" for being loyal reader at the Biz Marketing 45!
** Could we send you some more invaluable FREE ebooks to learn how to profit online or offline?
Recommend Biz Marketing 45 to your friends and let them subscribe to it by sending this page to them. You will receive the ebooks when you Forward Wise Biz.
Visit also the Choose It page, get the knowledge you need about the CTMP process and read success stories to know how those people make their knowledge sell. You will see first-hand the quality of the PDF products we have just offered you above. Download, read and put them all into actions to work for you.
Biz Marketing 45 has more than doses, as you can read through the PDFs. It has methods to change your life for ever, if you were motivated enough to take the leads to orchestrate your life and improve it, by any tones you choose.
Biz Marketing 45th Intro / Publisher Main Spot:
Avoid Getting Sick Or Ripped Off Online!
The following lines are about my experience with the Home Shoppers Club, I wanted to bring your attention to it in Biz Marketing 45 too.
In 2001, I heard about the club, read some good articles and other promotional materials about it and checked out its potentials. I took the series of courses and passed the business evaluations until I reached the instructor level.
Somebody called Edd Jason from the so called previously foxlotto, was the person who kept in contact with me for a long time. In fact he sent me 2 dollars I won, while I was playing the lotto and that shows me the sincerity of my contact person.
Driven by this sincerity, I started as an associate and began my promotional efforts, using the foxlotto promotion opportunities given to me by Edd. I promoted also through different free and even paid advertisements.
I've got some other friends from the program and kept in touch with them to learn more about it. I came to know that it's not a MLM opportunity.
So, this is why I upgraded to become a Vested Income Partner (VIP).
This program has its own college online. VIPs make their progress in whatever business they do online, through its "Business Institute". In fact no associate has an access to that institute, until he upgrades to become a VIP.
I'd a very rare chance to that institute, while I was an associate, and I am still keeping most of its educational materials.
This access revealed all the secrets the program uses, even its leads generating secrets associated with a mailing system that sends group emails to about 18,000 of leads, I have acquired from the program and other companies in addition to double opt-in leads I have purchased from WorldProfit, when I got the Wise Biz site from them. Read more at Leads Generating and Affiliate Marketing Lessons.
I'd confidence through the clubshop's moto "Team Network Makes The Dreams Work" and "If You Aim To The Stars You'll Never Shoot Yourself On The Foot". My team leader paid 3 months subscription for me.
The e-courses the programs offered previously were completely progressive. They built a lot of pointers, gateway pages and other mini sites to VIPs to promote their club.
They had everything any one needs from content to pre-done codes, to take to any free web hosting services, to make a pointer or a gateway page.
But you should never reveal anything about the club, while you're using any free web hosting service.
I even had got some few dollars sent to me, before even having me upgraded to VIP including club bucks that offer discounts at local merchants in many countries.
That was happened because I'd some VIPs in my downline, and I simply earned money from their activities. So, "how much money I will get from my hard efforts if I upgraded my membership to become a VIP?" I asked myself.
I’d given those few bucks to be more confident about this program, so I upgraded from a free associate to a vested income partner (VIP). I put a lot of efforts on this program since that date.
I came again across the E-Business Courses in the E-Business Institute to achieve a "Team Leader" level.
Read more at Biz Marketing 46 and... stay tuned.
If you want to comment on this part of the article above, use the Comment C2 Entries form below. If you had been an associate or if you are still there, use the same form to write about your experiences.
To read more about some online business opportunities, please see the site maps at the navigation bar at the left of the page.
I believe in this regard, that only when we do bring you confidence, then you'll see whose credibility and transparency is most welcomed to help you in your online work at home.
This works much better with trustworthy sources.
So, along this journey which involves me for 13 years, I'll be your sincere consultant to help you achieve a substantial e-commerce success, which you and other online entrepreneurs can profit from.
Please give this call for free consultation services your kind attention. Link to the business consulting page to request free business consultation. You'll never regret.
Biz Marketing 45Publisher and Senior Editor
Khalid Osman
Khalid Osman is journalist and Webmaster at: REAL-MATCH-DATING.COM and HOA-POLITICALSCENE.COM
Biz Marketing 45th Guest Coolest Corner:
How To Raise Money For Starting A Business?
The task of raising money for a business is not as difficult as most people seem to think. This is especially true when you have an idea that can make you and your backers rich.
Actually, there's more money available for new business ventures than there are good business ideas.
A very important rule of the game to learn: Anytime you want to raise money, your first move should be to put together a proper prospectus.
This prospectus should include a resume of your background, your education, training, experience and any other personal qualities that might be counted as an asset to your potential success.
It's also a good idea to list the various loans you've had in the past, what they were for, and your history in paying them off.
You'll have to explain in detail how the money you want is going to be used. If it's for an existing business, you'll need a profit and loss record for at least the preceding six months, and a plan showing how this additional money will produce greater profits.
If it's a new business, you'll have to show your proposed business planning, your marketing research and projected costs, as well as anticipated income figures, with a summary for each year, over at least a three year period.
It'll be advantageous to you to base your cost estimates high, and your income projections on minimal returns. This will enable you to "ride thru" those extreme "ups and downs" inherent in any beginning business.
You should also describe what makes your business unique - how it differs from your competition, and the opportunities for expansion or secondary products.
This prospectus will have to state precisely what you're offering the investor in return for the use of his money.
He'll want to know the percentage of interest you're willing to pay, and whether monthly, quarterly or on an annual basis. Answer these questions:
Are you offering a certain percentage of the profits? A percentage of the business? A seat on your board of directors?
Continue at Investor.
Found this interesting article in Biz Marketing 45?
We hope the two articles in this edition of the Biz Marketing 45 are useful and adjustable to your needs and locations. Well, there are in fact more than two articles.
I hope also the other articles in Biz Marketing 45 are useful! If they are, please do "like" Biz Marketing 45 and "tweet" it to Twitter using the small buttons on the page. Best, USE THE COMMENTS FORM to comment.
Here's a business that you'll absolutely thank me for, for years to come ... Check Site Build It.
Biz Marketing 45th Web Market Place:
Take Biz Marketing 45 with you and send SMS or text messages to anyone, anywhere, any time, even when you were text-ing. Messages can be sent through a modem or the Internet. What about smartphones?
Communication is critical in todays competitive business world. Twitter allows friends communications and small businesses to compete in with big businesses, by providing powerful paging, messaging, and Internet-SMS solution. So, tweet me here @talkative.
Write the Web address of Biz Marketing 45, as, when you get on the Internet using iPhone 5S, or any other smartphone. Locate the images on any page and then get them into Pinterest, or Instagram.
Let Ken Evoy provide you by knowledge that will make you happy all your life. You can even criticize his methods on his own blog, if you disagree with him. Your BRAIN vis-à-vis his BRAIN... Could you take the challenge?
OK, if you couldn't do it there, BECUSE your were speechless and unable to meet his business logic, what about doing that here at the SBI Discussion Board?
Biz Marketing 45th Marketing Resources:
Search engines and other HITS Quarters:
You will absolutely need an open frame of mind to understand the websites traffic sources on this column.
Even if you disagreed on some points, you are welcome to write your views about the Best Ways to Feature Your Business, the usability of Free Press Releases and their roles in bringing in good volume of free website traffic and your Link Building Strategies.
Moreover, let us know How to Convert Traffic Into Sales if you didn't agree with the article at this page. Let us also know how do you use keyword density if you didn't agree with the article at How To Improve Keyword Density Using Your Affiliates.
Do you offer Guaranteed 1,000,000 Hits to Your Website?
Please, don't. This will absolutely never happen nowadays. If you disagreed, get to the linked page and prove it.
We know very well that free traffic has ingredients that drive it. It starts by building content search engines loves. Building content itself has many ingredients that begin with "CHOOSING IT" and "CTPMING IT". See the links to the two phrases at the "Top Wednesday Thought" column.
All of the ingredients include the optimization process. That is the only way to optimize a website and drive good volume of traffic to that website.
There is no guarantee to million hits, because traffic works like a snow ball. In fact, there are not any of the search engines secrets that we wrote at this page, because they are now well known.
While going through these sources and reading some search engines tutorials, take notes and then use the form to let us know, if it happened that you acquired top placement, how did you acquire search engines top placement.
Search Engines Marketing and Some Other Articles:
Bulletin Boards| Freebie Ad Magazines| Free Online Business Advertisement| Free Radio Advertising| Improve Your Website Presence| Link Exchange| Search by Name| Use Yandex and Baidu Searches| Value Exchange| Yandex Search Engine|
Biz Marketing 45 - Archives: Our publications:
We put this column in Biz Marketing 45 to make it easy for you to find our archives. See the rest of the editions at the bottom navigation bar.
Wise Biz Marketing (WBM) Archives:
Biz Marketing 36| Biz Marketing 37| Biz Marketing 38| Biz Marketing 39| Biz Marketing 40| Biz Marketing 41| Biz Marketing 42| Biz Marketing 43| Biz Marketing 44| Biz Marketing 45|
Ezine Act Archives:
Ezine Act 50| Ezine Act 51| Ezine Act 52| Ezine Act 53| Ezine Act 54| Ezine Act 55|
You may already know that we have used the Ezine Act as a political newsletter, in addition to Biz Marketing, which is the business newsletter. You may also know that we built the political site at the links provided at the top of the page and so we closed the Ezine Act. However, we have still old editions on the archives of this website.
Well, here we are now at the close of Biz Marketing 45. We hope it's interesting.
Yours in Peace,,, Love and Global Prosperity
Khalid Osman
Copy Right©2005
P.S You may republish any of the articles in BIZ MARKETING 45, or the other editions in its full entirety in your e-zine or on your site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box. When you republish any of these articles, please send us a note to take a look. Thanks.
P.P.S If you thought that you could be making money using these articles instead of just republishing them for our own benefits, click on any link there and join those affiliate programs/or business opportunities.
You'll be e-mailed your affiliate/or business opportunity link, so you can substitute it in place of ours. This is the best advice we offer at Biz Marketing 45!
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