Don't Write Bad Arabic Ads!

Yes, Hire Arabic Ads Copy Writer!

Bad Arabic Ads is a reference page of bad advertising examples in Arabic to the Arabic AdWords page here. Please, read that page first if you haven't already done. It will help you understand the topic of this page better.

The basic while writing such advertising is to keep it simple, but also enticing, or encouraging with a tempting message to get the click through.

Arabic is very rich language and it has a kind of vocabulary that is more richer than in any other language in the world. I am quite sure about it.

But, when I read such bad Arabic ads, I becomes just sad of the fact that those advertisers could not see that they lose money and time on such bad ads in ARABIC.

The following ads were written in bad Arabic. I found them in Google AdWords. I'll keep you updated every time I see bad written Arabic ads on AdWords, so you can learn more and avoid writing such bad ads, save money and make money.

You can buy good written Arabic ads here… Contact Us.

Journalist Khalid Osman writes about bad Arabic ads!

أمثلة لاعلانات مكتوبة بلا عناية او معرفة لغوية صحيحة

العلاقات الاميركية العربي

سياسة اميركا و علاقتها بالعالم العرب اوجه التعاون الثنائي و احلال السلام

تجارة الذهب و الفضة

تجارة سهلة وسريعة. ابدء المتاجرة اليوم بدون عمولة

نكت مضحكة

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خريطة بلدك ومدينتك

موقع مدينتك بالتحديد بيانات جغرافية من خلال الآي بي

الشيخ عبد الغفار الدروبي

ديني أدبي يدرس حياة الشيخ عبدالغفار وبه ختمات وأشياء مختلفة ومنوعة

سوق عقار مصرى وسعودى

إعـلانـات مـجــانـية وحلول تسويقية للبـائع والمشترى والوكيـل والـشركة

ليست الاخطاء اللغوية فحسب... بل خلو الاعلانات من حافز او محرض

To acquire a sense of writing good Arabic go through the Arabic HOA Political Scene. See also ore Arabic pages on the Ezine Act's at Arabic Phoenix PoetryArabic Poems, Arabic SBI and Ezine Acts Arabiyat.

To get the right tools to write good in English, build web pages, analyze and optimize your pages to achieve search engines top placement and ranking and get free websites traffic, get the all in one place tools here.

اذا كان لابد للغة الاعلان ان تكون صحيحة لغويا فان هناك تقنيات اعلانية اخري لابد من مراعاتها في الاعلان. دعنا نسميها ادبيات الاعلان التجاري العربي. هذه الادبيات تتعلق بالطريقة التي يخاطب بها الاعلان ذهنية المتلقي. وتتعلق ايضا بالاسلوب الدعائي الشيق، او المثير، او المدهش، او المحرض، او المشجع علي النقر عليه.

من يمكن ان ينقر علي اي اعلان اذا لم يك جذابا؟

من يمكن ان ينقر علي اعلان اذا لم يكن فيه اي شئ يشجع القارئ علي النقر.

ماذا يحتاج الاعلان وبالتالي المعلن؟

ان الحاجة الأسياسية هي معرفة ذهنية القارئ العربي واستعداده الفطري لتقبل المعاني السلسة التي تنقلها له اللغة. مثلا عند النظر الي الاعلان الاول و بمجرد ملاحظة الخطأ اللغوي يقفز القارئ مباشرة الي ما يليه في الصفحة. اما المثال الثاني ففيه مفارقة واضحة يبدو انها فاتت علي ذهنية كاتبه وهي ماذا تفيد التجارة بدون عمولة.

هنا يلتبس القارئ تماما في حين ان المعلن يقصد ان يدفع بالقارئ للمشاركة في تلك التجارة بالمجان و بالتالي الحصول علي عمولة. لذلك فقد أخفق المعلن في استخدام اللغة العربية بطريقة صحيحة لتوصيل مقصده للقارئ بطريقة مناسبة.

اما عند قراءة باقي الاعلانات العربية هنا فان السؤال الذي يمكن ان يتبادر الي القارئ هو "ويعني ايه" بلغة عربية دارجة او "ثم ماذا؟" بلغة فصيحة. ولا ينبع سؤال مثل هذا هنا من فراغ. لماذا؟ لان القارئ يريد ان يعرف ماذا يمكن ان يفيده هذا الأمر او ذاك في الاعلان الذي يراه.

هنا نلاحظ وجود ابجدية معرفية تتعلق بفائدة الاعلان للقارئ. و ليس أي قارئ بطبيعة الحال، بل القارئ المهتم بالأمر المعلن عنه.

يعني كل هذا ان يقرآ المعلن ذهنية القارئ ويعرف الطريقة التي يفكر بها وماذا يريد هذا القارئ او ذاك بالتحديد. و لا يتم امر مثل هذا بين عشية وضحاها، بل هو امر يتطلب القراءة العميقة في ابجديات المهنة الاعلانية وفي ذهنية المتلقي وفي حاجة السوق للاعلان نفسه.

من هنا نخلص الي الأهمية الفنية للاعلان وهو أمر يحتاج للدراسة والتفكير العميق.

ان اعلانات مثل هذه تجعل المعلن يفقد مالا وزمنا. ولكن لحسن الحظ يمكن تلافي كل تلك الخسارة المؤكدة بنسبة ١٠٠٪ عن طريق طلب المساعدة في كتابة الاعلان المطلوب. ذلك امر سهل يمكن ان يتحقق عبر هذه الصفحة.

Don't Write Bad Arabic Ads!

Any person who knows Arabic, even if he had not attended any advanced Arabic school could tell you what is wrong in the examples of those bad Arabic ads. You could not make any Adsense revenue from such badly written ads.

The advertisers spend daily lot of money on the AdWords. When I see such examples of bad Arabic ads on Google Adsense, I KNOW what they are missing. I can simply evaluate them and know that the advertisers are just losing money.

If I were you and read such ARABIC ads, I will never click even if I have a desire to see what the matter is. This brings our attention to the purpose of the ads and your Internet business. Are you serious?

Even if I wanted some jokes, as one of the bad Arabic ads says, I will not take action when I read these jokes. I bet no one will do anything else, but read and quit.

If the jokes were silly, oh... they will click back, or away and you will lose money even if you had some Adsense ads on your website.

At some other bad Arabic ads, I may ask myself, "So what?". That is because the ads have no "meat". I don't want the bones. They didn't tell me "what is in it for me". They are just nonsense. So, it is apparently that Arabic advertisers don't make Adsense revenues from such ads.

I will be tempted to click if I read on that ad about forex the following: "Trade and make money without spending any money"... that would be in Arabic, of course and you know how to say it right, if you were Arabic speaker.

(Well, I just have a feeling about it, as Forex could be behind the ad. Here is an article about Forex at FREE FOREX SIGNALS.)

There is a value here for the targeted reader. People may not believe it. Therefore, the referral page should be precisely written in good language to explain this better.

Let me help you write your Arabic ads better. Contact Us.

In addition to bad Arabic ads, you may also be interested in the following Ezine Acts Articles on the Ezine Acts Articles Section, the Ezine Acts Business Publicity Section and the Ezine Acts Offline Businesses Section of the Ezine Act:

Articles on Advertising:

AccessoryAds| AdSense Colours| Ad Sheets| Bad Arabic Ads| Best Ways to Feature Your BusinessBulletin Boards| Classified Ads| Communities Marketing| Discount Cards| Ezine Acts Advertising| Free Advertising| Freebie Ad MagazinesFree Online Business Advertisement| Free Press Releases| Free Publicity| Free Radio Advertising| Free Website Traffic| Funny Advertising| How to Get Money Fast?| Instant Cash| Marketing Ideas| Monetize| Money Making Mechanisms| Personal Sport Scorecards| Sales Letter| Shopping Center Papers| Write Compelling Advertisement

All of the articles in the section above including bad Arabic ads provide good information about different advertising modules, whether you are using Google, or other services.

They highlight combined different methods you could use while promoting your businesses online and offline too, as you see through the radio advertising, the freebie ad magazines and other sources. The Ezine Acts Internet Marketing section covers this issue.

When you are online, make sure that it is not about the way you build web page, but it is about the way you build automated content with the "blog it" function of your website enabled. 

To promote a business, you should first focus on how to write and publish it online, taking the editing and publishing process seriously and how to optimize it. See the article writing and the Ezine Acts Publishing section and the search engines section below:

The Optimization Process:

Choose It| CTPM It| Ezine Acts Link Building Strategies| Ezine Acts Link Exchange| Ezine Acts Optimization| Free TrafficFree Website Traffic| Guaranteed 1000000 Hits to Your Website| How to Convert Traffic Into Sales?| How To Improve Keyword Density Using Your Affiliates?| How to Improve Your Website Presence?| Improve Your Website Presence| Optimizing a Website| Write Arabic WebPages|

Search Engines Section:

Search by Name| Search Engines Marketing| Search Engines Secrets| Search Engines Top Placement| Search Tutorial| Use Yandex and Baidu Searches| Yandex Search Engine|

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For other insights to enhance your writing skills and avoid writing bad Arabic ads, see the Arabic and English commentary pages at the Ezine Acts Comment C2 Entries, Zines Commentaries and the Ezine Acts Photo Gallery.

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