Aphrodite of Quebec!
Adriana Masters (Haley King) and Phil Sanders (Robert Adamson) when some love problems happened in Hollywood Heights.
Somebody wrote Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines about his Love Problem in one paragraph I divided and reedited here the following:
"I don't know what to do. We always fight each other. I'm always being jealous when she has friends accompanying her and when she goes with many boys. Then later on, she said she can't do it anymore. She said that she doesn't love me anymore.
I had been with her for almost 8 months. She is ignoring me and she said to me that I am a jerk. I accept the fact that sometimes I am self-centered because I cannot move the idea of her past while she was flirting with other boys, etc…
I am very jealous, especially when she is with boyfriends she knows form the past and other new boys. Do you think she loves me still? She said according to these situations our relation is not working out. I don't know what to do."
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Aphrodite of Quebec is Confused!
Aphrodite wrote from Dorval, Quebec, Canada about her love story in one long paragraph I divided and reedited here below the following:
"This guy was after me for months and I explained to him that I'm not ready or don't want to pass through pain again, as I was just healing from a love experience.
He helped me to overcome this pain and he was a great friend. He bombarded me with messages. He was caring and very kind to me. I got used to him bing all the time available for me. After some months, he started to withdraw and to talk less and less.
I told him if you want to stop, I'm fine with that, but just tell me and please don't hurt me. I don't want to live this pain again. He kept saying he is busy and it is normal not to reply right away and that I'm making him feel obliged to answer even if he doesn't want to.
He did that only because he didn't want to make me feel insulted. He kept doing so for weeks. So I told him that I will give him the time he needs until he realizes what he wants. He accepted.
I messaged him to know what he decided and to tell him that I pressured him and I won't do this again. He read my messages, but he didn't respond. What should I do?"
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