Am I Doing Anything Wrong?
Hollywood Heights: Brandon Bell (Jake Madsen) Trying to Advise Kelly (Yara Martinez) to Calm Down After Attempting Love Affair with Him, Although She is Friend of His Wife Traci Madsen (Shannon Kane)
Hollywood Heights: Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) Asking Her Best Friend Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) for Advices to Relief Her from the Pain of Love, When Chloe Carter (Cynthia Kowalski) Tried to Hurt Her.
Hollywood Heights: Eddie Duran (Cody Longo) and Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) Kissing After Revelation, When They Understood the Plans of Chloe Carter (Cynthia Kowalski)
Hollywood Heights: Don Masters (Grayson McCouch) Advising His Daughter Adriana Masters (Haley King) to Ge a Job, His Daughter Feels that She Lost His Love Because of Her Selfishness.
Somebody wrote from India, "We are happy couple. We both love each a lot. We wanted to marry each other. But we belong to different sub-cast. She is Brahmin & am Sindhi. Both of our family is opposite of our marriage. She don't want to marry against her family. I can marry against my family as I believe they will accept both of us. Now problem is we are not able to marry but we want to be with each other. She says she is doing forcefully marriage, so she will continue our relationship. Which I don't want. I can be with her till she gets married, after that I don't want to be with her as it will affect her marriage life & also it will discredit to her name. I can't even think about another girl, am so much in love with her. Please suggest us possible solution".
You wrote your request in one long paragraph, so we neglected it, the first time we saw it in December. This is a long time. We have not considered it because you have not considered to follow the guidelines we posted on the page you used to submit this request at Online Love Consulting.
We said at this page and at Online Free Consulting Services and Love Consulting Requests that we'll not respond to requests visitors wrote in a hurry without providing the details we want to analyze the problems. We neglect incomplete requests and request full of grammar mistakes.
You also have not filled your name in the second field of the form.
If you still wanted this service, write good details in short sentences and short paragraphs, as we explained at the guidelines and avoid grammar mistakes. Then use the main page to submit it.

Continue reading linked comments at the bottom.
* Are you from India?
Read about places in India at Gujarat and write about places in India at Any Beautiful City. Thanks.
Shahab wrote from Shanghai, China, "My story is very long, I hope you wont be bored with it and help me to make the right decision".
He started, "I am an Iranian with all Middle Eastern romance feeling and my wife is a Russian with very cold and no romance, well at least in recent years. We met in Shanghai, living and working here. We are ESL kindergarten teachers. We are running a small business beside our work in the kindergarten too, the business makes us quite busy".
Then he wrote the following in long paragraphs:
I was with a Chinese wife, and completely corrupted in work and life when we met, so i divorced with the Chinese and started dating her. We were living in a different city and we had to travel for 4H to meet each other, my job in Shanghai wasn't very good but she had a good job, so she offered me to move to her city, so she supports me till I get a new job , so i did. But it was a mistake and I couldn't get a job there, she started blaming me that I'm using her and climbing her, and don't wanna find a job, we were fighting and fighting over and over, I had lost over 10kg weight as I was under her huge pressure and didn't want to even eat her offered food , and so she searched and found me a job in Shanghai where i was before. I interviewed and been accepted, the she found me a better job, so I interviewed and been accepted, and then i talked to the manager of the new company (the current kindergarten) to hire my wife too, so they did, and we both are working here for 3 years. I do love her but I feel that it is a one way highway only".
He said, "Anyway, although, the life if currently fine and we are also saving but she is still blaming me that she saved my life, she behaves like she hates me, we have sex like once a month if I force for that. Money is god for her. Relationship is a drama story for her and my feeling is nothing to her, she cares nothing about me even if get sick, she says that my salary is low so i shouldn't go to a good hospital to treat myself while I bought her a very expensive insurance. I bought a car and a house, the house is in her name and my name. All my good treating to her is a must and she feels no responsibility to treat back. She always talks about divorce but she never applies our went for it . I love her with all her bad but i cant stand it. Any time that I decided to go for the divorcing, something tells me, there still maybe away that I didn't try yet".
He added, "Please help me to make the right decision. Should I go for my 2nd divorce? Is there anyway to turn her to be good to me?"
Comments* We have not paid attention to this request, as you have written it in long paragraphs, neglecting the guidelines we posted at the three links above and there are some mistakes on it. You also have not mentioned whether you want to publish your name or not. We advised that it is necessary to mention this at the end of your request.
It is very necessary to follow the guidelines, so we could first pay attention to your request, since this service is free and it takes time, which you know costs money here. If you still want this service, write good requests, no matter how long your requests are.
We in fact need long requests full of details to help us see the problem better. So, do not worry about long requests. Worry only about the paragraphs and the language. Continue at the comment link at the bottom of the page.
* Are you from Shanghai, China?
Read about some locations in China at
Beijing and the
Yangtze River. Write about Shanghai, or your city at the link of any beautiful city above.
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* Read some other love problems at:
How I Feel the Strong Feeling of Love?|
How to Choose the Right Girl|
How to Make Him Feel?|
How To Tell My Mom about My Love|
I am Jealous|
I am Not Sure Whether He Loves Me or Not|
I Love Two Girls|
I Need Love Advices|
I Want My ex-Boyfriend Back|
Love Problem|
Love Problem Solution|
My Parents Want to Destroy My Girlfriend|
Personal Relations' Problems|
She Left Me|
She Refuses to Talk with Me|